
Sad, why would Gizmodo do this to such a beautiful concept... I found gizmodo through google's tech... not the yahoo's and bing's

Someone should say this : ' Show me your Beaver and I'll show you my Naked mole Rat ' lol

I agree their UI sucks as well, probably the worst android interface

@uttc16: trying to extort 1.5 million for a bunch of songs is rather mafiaesque. Mafia are organised criminals, who are also protected by those who are supposed to uphold the law. If a bureaucrat is corrupt hes part of a mafia, what do you call a corrupt system? The very system that was supposed to uphold fairness of

I thought this was some future sci-fi horror

Once they go down to 25000$ which the riaa was conditionally willing to accept they cant punish her again with 1.5m because a certain degree of fairness had already been established (in terms of sueing fee etc).

Are decent laws and their enforcement that much to ask for

Once they go down to 25000$ which the riaa was conditionally willing to accept they cant punish her again with 1.5m because a certain degree of fairness had already been established (in terms of sueing fee etc).

The REAL reason apple wants this tech is to create the entire antenna-body for the iphone4 while keeping the gorilla glass look. Gorilla glass is flexible - Upon impact the glass needs to transfer and dampen its energy into the body - which cant happen with a stiffer material underneath - The resulting difference in

Im not buying Droid X :)

I wonder what bangkok will look like