
Depending on how a date is stored it has a max. Newer and proper maxes are far off into the future like the year 9999 but older and worse storage methods designed to minimize space usage cap at random dates. In this case it hit whatever max it had and rolled over starting at its minimum.

Oh look, that was word salad. All you seem to have really said is republicans are racists.

*in select states, only through their driver program

So. They were murdered due to their 2nd amendment rights.

Dude... you are a moron. Idiots like you are the reason that instead of improving america at all, all republicans do is try to “own the libs”.

I am not going to defend people’s behavior. But I do feel like the absolute horrible experience of air travel from just getting through the airport to being on a plane to the whole mess of airlines dropping passengers or entire flights is pretty well designed to be absolutely frustrating and miserable on top of

hOw DaRe sHe Be pOpUlAr!

sHe GoT mOrE LiKeS oN tWiTtEr

I will agree about the failure to apply laws. However. It still stands that even taken getting advantage of, the actual need for software devs(as shown by their pay and demand for them still) far outstrips the demand for truck drivers. On a per employee level a software dev has more bargaining power than a truck

...You are trying to compare software devs who work for companies that pay 6 figure salaries as the norm to a job where the average salary is 50k a year who are mostly made up of non-English speaking immigrants. The scales of balance in power from employer to employee is magnitudes apart.

Republicans care about children?

No company would do that for a truck driver. Just like no company would no that for a burger flipper.

“Company works to steal millions from people and ruined their lives and their families and likely broke the law, and is still profiting from it.”

I mean, if you want to talk about the generals of it.

Nope. My issue is that you miss what the company is actually doing. Which is firing the guy for being out due to an injury, threatening to sue anyone that tries to hire him unless he pays up.

People are bad at passing cyclists. I often have people give me like 6+ft of room out cycling. I have also very rarely had people nearly clip me with their mirror.

Washington has had a similar law in many areas for a long while.

... You did not read the article at all did you?

Yes. Which is fine.

Meanwhile in texas they want to just let these “dangerous criminals” travel unsupervised across the country.