
One important aspect left out of this is that many, many new drivers are immigrants now. Aka people who either new a job to maintain their visa, or people who do not understand what they are agreeing to.

Maybe read the article? The company is holding his paperwork hostage

So. You are arguing that illegally jailing an innocent is okay due to his past? You seem to be arguing that since he did something wrong in the past he deserved something wrong happening to him and those who committed it should not be held accountable.

It seems really hard for people to grasp that the same racism that causes white people to over react towards blacks can cause blacks to act the same way. Almost like no one has heard of a single black republican politician 

So let’s go through that logic.

Republican politicians are questioning her record. Not all her peers, not all her college classmates, not the bar or any lawyer association. It is almost like their is a complete difference.

To be fair his video seems to be age restricted now which likely means demonetized.

Canada is not the United States of America. They have their own laws. Ones the truckers broke.

So let’s see.

A cop was around a black man. He has a right to self defense, and rightly had a fear of his life.

yes how dare someone be so inconsiderate of racist bigots who are purposely ruining other peoples days in the exact same way for the sole reason of putting themselves and those around them in danger.

Yes. I know idiots like you listen to trump but that is not proper English. Also thank you for being unable to refute my argument that you are wrong. 

Are you saying we you treat the truckers like blm? Cage they in, beat them up while gasing them before charging them for crimes they didn't actually commit? 

And driving slowly, and blocking roads, and generally just creating a long line of slow rude traffic. 

Yep. The working class.

Nothing like a right winger to proudly stand by murdering citizens for acting just like they do

And where did you get that from? Tell me which side has passed laws restrictioning protect. Oh right republicans. Now tell me which side specifically created laws that would allow these same truckers to run over protecters who block the street? Oh right, republicans.

Right? I mean sure they targeted primarily black people and fired primarily black staff who reported issues but nope no common factor there.

I do not believe that. Mostly because this assumes there is absolutely no better way to handle things which is bs.

What? Automatic takedwons without verification of who they are from or even if they are correct is bad? Who knew?