
I’ve owned three of ‘em, and I still have my 93 CE (just look at my dang name and you’ll get it). I absolutely agree, this is not a good price. Classic Some-Arsehole-Actually-Bought*it issues. Headliners droop, rims get replaced, tranny is paperthin in certain gears and goes poof.

Yes - headlights change in 90. Bumpers change around 86/87. Black trim on windows is 91 I *think*. Rims are a disaster in terms of dating...

Love love love these trucks. Always wanted a diesel even though I doubt my sanity as I mumble this. Everyone please look away - go back to your Bronco lust so I can maybe one day scoop one up for nuttin.

I’d pay them to leave me alone, but that’s not going to happen. The states will make us retrofit the dang things and render them inept. Love my ‘09 Jetta. 110k on the OD and still a zippy and fun little rig. Bought it for the fuel economy, screw the environment.