Gabriel Chase

First you want me to pay attention to this lawsuit, then you tell me nevermind? Something tells me this kid has been trouble since he was in utero. They ought to scrub his brain with bleach. Where does he come from, from the muddy banks of the Wishkah? Something something incesticide. 

I would hope that if there’s a reason, it is to do with her having some sort of identity crisis, and not because of River or past companions. Each iteration of the Doctor seems to be distinct enough that they don’t usually seem to carry much baggage from their past selves beyond their general ennui or whatever the

“The Daleks do not have friends”

Oprah’s follow-up statement:

“Franco says he’s been recovering from his battle with sex addiction since 2016.”

“Hey Noah, is anyone using that word I invented? What a duketastrophe!”

Through the magic of whatever they should just have disembodied tighty-whities floating through the frame.

As has always been the case with Dexter since the original run, you have to suspend disbelief that a guy who makes so many obvious slip-ups keeps getting away with his killings.

I think I understand now why Carrie didn’t call 911.

I still enjoy it, but it has been running on fumes.

Here’s my question about the podcast stuff: who the hell would actually listen to that podcast? Nothing against Jamie Chung, because I’m sure it’s entirely the direction she’s given, but the delivery is so, so, so bad. Obviously, the dialogue is less than stellar. It’s just... really uncomfortable to listen to. I

I know it’s fairly on brand for Dexter, but the complete inconsistency around Dexter and Harrison holding back some personal info but not nearly enough to prevent anyone with access to Google from coming up with a short list of who they really are is seriously annoying. Especially when they’re already “out” to some of

Her works provided me, a young, gay kid growing up in Oklahoma in the late 90s, with many, many hours of escapism and enjoyment. May she rest in peace.

Tintin is an underrated classic.

Now playing

At around 1:48 there’s a flute solo here that is easily one of my top 5 tunes that John Williams ever wrote (and knowing his career, that’s saying something), but this whole track is just magic. Dare I say, better than the movie deserved.

I liked how the two big scenes with the doctor and Yaz played, them hugging and saying they missed each other, and then the doctor’s tearful apology & telling Yaz she wants to let her in. Whether she is capable of that remains to be seen, but the thought is nice & maybe enough. The doctor-companion relationships are

To be perfectly honest, if the show had some more self awareness, a terrible detective reinventing himself as a public speaker on the back of his proximity to well known cases, to take advantage desperate people with missing relatives, would’ve been a compelling take on Batista all these years later.

He IS a fat bottomed girl.

She was definitely the bigger star of the two of them at the time, coming right off of Bring It On. Maguire was mostly an indie actor at the time who had a couple of mild hits, but nothing huge. He definitely should have been paid more since he’s the star of the film, but it sounds like they didn’t give her what she

She also recalls that, for Spider-Man, a producer took her to the dentist without her consent in order to fix her teeth. He drove her there without telling her what was going on, and she realized what was happening when they arrived.”

What, and it’s impossible to stress this enough, the fuck.