Gabriel Chase

I still quote the Grapist sketch sometimes. RIP. WKUK basically pioneered the tone of almost every YouTube comedy sketch in the mid 00s.

Ooh, good question. Probably Blackwater and Dick Cheney.

It may not be the best villain team-up, but Penguin and Catwoman in ‘Batman Returns’ has to be in the running for the horniest.

I’m a big fan of the guy, but he wasn't a great host, in my opinion

I was thinking Kirby Howell Baptiste. She has a certain and appropriate manic energy.

She’s a strong independent acid snake in the skin-suit of a strong independent woman.


Eric Clapton just isn’t the type of guy to inject dangerous, untested substances into his body.

Agree about Superstore, but I think no acting nomination for Ben Feldman is by far the bigger snub. Jonah went through a lot of dramatic change in the final season and it could have easily been really clunky. But Feldman was not only in perfect step with the writing, I think he added tremendous dimension to the

“Hey, Marco, how’s tricks? That was one crazy-ass Purge Night, right?”

Well Goddammit, Indy, where doesn’t it hurt?!

It’s fun getting to the age where sometimes things just hurt for no reason, and then get better on their own, whether or not you do anything.

I’ll content myself with the Year of Penny, which I can find on multiple services right now.

“Otisburg? OTISBURG??!!??”

He was brilliant. It’s unfortunate people only remember that one horrific scene in “Deliverance”- he’s superb throughout the entire film. And, yes, that’s one of the greatest monologues of all time in “Network.” He’ll be missed.

Hot Take: I enjoyed Shazam and look forward to the sequel.

“After getting a call from an angry studio executive who was shouting at me about the global box office, I have determined that my previous statement was unacceptable.”

I wouldn’t say that Monáe can’t act, more that she needs strong direction to work well. I found her plenty good in Hidden Figures, Homecoming and even Antebellum (which isn’t a great movie, but she did well). I’m pretty confident that Johnson can draw out a great performance from her.

You apologize for thinking anyone involved with Hackers has anything to apologize for. Good day, madam. I said, good day!

I Accuse My Parents is so, so good. And the host segment where Gypsy lip-synchs to the “Are You Happy?” song is possibly the cutest, most purely delightful moment in the whole series for me. It never fails to make me smile.