Gabriel Chase

For some reason, my favorite moment in this episode was wordless: when Hitchcock at the end says his problem is that he is a workaholic, and Holt looks totally bewildered, and Rosa, sitting next to him, makes a gesture to reassure him that he shouldn’t worry about it. That just killed me for some reason. Maybe it was

I think Jake floated the idea of adoption in a drive by line when talking to Amy at the end of the episode, I’ll have to rewatch when it gets to hulu. Fully agree with the thoughts on the Boyle/Rosa story, sucks when characters are made dumb for the sake of a throwaway story.

at least it never shoved the inciting incident of the story into an event on fucking Fortnite.

My summation of most of that movie is basically, “Okay, I guess this is happening now.”

I know it’s derivative, but I enjoyed ‘The Force Awakens’, and I’m one of those people who liked ‘The Last Jedi’ a whole lot. But ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ will go down as one of the all-time cinematic bed-shittings in history.

Emperor Palpatine was gay, and very much in love with Plagueis, JK Rowling confirms.

That’s exactly what a person who has the coronavirus would say. Try again.

The release of a killer virus timed with a popular movie seems like the plot of James Bond movie. 

I remember seeing the Rene Clair version as a kid. The NBC station from Bangor, Maine aired a different old movie Mon-Fri, 5-7pm (called “The Great Money Movie”). When it go to the showdown between the final two on the beach, suddenly the film froze on that frame and you heard a narrator say “Do you know what’s going

Didn’t they give Galactica all the time the creators wanted to end that. I thought it was the writer that fucked that up

I’d largely agree with you (the Suchet series is the apex for me), but do give the 2015 BBC adaptation of  “And Then There Were None” a look.  It’s incredible, and my personal pick for best Christie adaptation ever.  

Good to finally have confirmation that this is an entirely new cast and story! I wasn’t too worried since Johnson seems to be sharper than going for a cheap sequel with everyone from the first though. I wouldn’t be mad if Ana De Armas made a reappearance, I think it’s realistic to think the two became good friends

It would be awesome if Daniel Craig had a totally different accent this time.

No, Timothy Hutton starred in the Nero Wolfe series. His father was Ellery Queen.

It was manufactured by noted interstellar arms maker Plot Devices, Inc.

One of the few good bits was seeing “The Fam” take charge of the situation. I have this hypothesis that one of the things The Doctor does with his Companions is make “time lords” out of them.

It was clear that it was his human companions that made him more empathetic and involved. The First Doctor originally wanted to keep out of history and watch it from the sidelines. Now, the Doctor is a hero who does his/her best to save those in trouble.

Part of my issue is that, given what we know of the TIme Lords, ‘they might have repeatedly killed a child way back when’ is not dark enough a secret for me. They should’ve commited and Omelas’d it.

So Rassilon is now Tectuen and the Celestial Intervention Agency is now The Division and The Doctor is an alien from a distant planet, but a different distant planet. Chibnall gave us the episode that changed everything, that simultaneously changed nothing. Oh, and Gallifrey was destroyed, again. 

I loved how humiliated Rosa and Jake were that Debbie kicked both of their asses, and them agreeing that they would never speak of it again, which Rosa took to the further, hurtful extreme of deciding that she won’t even acknowledge that she knows Jake any more.