
Let's talk in 10 years when you need to replace that battery 😅

they make it up when you have to replace the battery in a few years dont worry. Hope you are putting back money for the $20,000 service that will come due. 

I agree, after looking into it, maintenance tends to be lower for EVs than for ICE cars. I think what I was trying to convey is the cost to replace the batteries when they lose 60% of their charge in 10 years. 

People who stop in traffic circles to let cars in, or people to stop to let you turn in front of them when there is no one behind them. I even had someone last week stop to let me out of my driveway. No cars behind her; she just stopped anyway.

It’s not even a violation, but for me it’s people who need to use their brakes on an open highway with virtually no traffic. In that situation, if you can’t sufficiently control your speed with just your right foot, you shouldn’t be allowed to operate that vehicle.

I agree, I firmly believe people have no trust in their cars at all, and are terrified to push the accelerator more than 1". Darn near every morning I get on the highway by my house, I follow some idiot up the on ramp doing 40 mph and trying to merge into traffic that is doing 65. Guess what? I’m going to ride your…

I’m going to bet your accident was caused by a tailgater who couldn’t stop, not the person who did stop.

Nothing justifies riding someone’s ass and that just escalates the situation as well.
Both are moronic moves.

It’s not illegal, but people on two-lane roads driving at or slightly below the speed limit who then accelerate to ten or more mph over the speed limit at passing zones, making it impossible to get by them with going WAY OVER the speed limit. Of course, once the passing zone ends, they slow way down again. Assholes.

I leave 1/2 a car.

People who drive with their FOG lights on all the time.  I live in AZ.  We get light fog 2 or 3 times a year. 

not a violation, but an extreme annoyance. people driving right next me, especially if they are in the passing lane. I speed up, they speed up, I slow down, they slow down. Like get away from me! I was in an de-camo’d test vehicle the other day, and a bus was stopped taking up most of my lane, so I put my blinker on…

People who, after going ten miles an hour below the limit for miles, when you go to overtake them, speed up just to block you behind them. Fucking assholes.

The brake checking is bad, but how are they not yielding to faster traffic? They suggested that the other drivers can pass them, I’d assume they aren’t camping out in the passing lane. 

If you’re in the right lane and people are doing this to you: I sympathize with your plight and you’re right to be annoyed.

Somebody in front of me puts on their turn signal but then lazily uses only half of the turn lane to make the corner, leaving the other half of the car in the lane that goes straight thru. There’s no point in having a turn lane if you don’t get your car out of traffic going straight!

Put the phone down!! You’re operating a multi-ton machine mere feet away from dozens of other people. This one bothers me so much. Especially when I’m in traffic and I can plainly see the person behind me on their phone. I often change lanes just to get away from them. I don’t want to get hit!

Holocene Climate Optimum

Normally, I’d agree. But it seems like this article is yet another anti-car hit piece from this supposedly driving orientated magazine. Why do you hate cars and driving so much, Jalopnik?

Additionally, I’d be interested in the long term impact of strip-mining the planet for precious metals versus maintaining existing oil wells/production.