
Oh wow, did you actually read the article? It outright says it wasn’t GamerGate:

You’ve been mislead. Her ex-boyfriend didn’t lie, he backed up his claims of her five affairs by posting chatlogs. Additionally, he didn’t encourage people to attack Zoe, he did the exact opposite.

How can SWATting be a “well established tactic of GGers” if there is literally no evidence tying SWATing to GG? Most people in GG support the proposed anti-SWATing laws.

There’s no point man... These people would throw their own kids under the bus if Jezebel told then their child was a woman hater... The zombie-esque lack of critical thought from jezzie commentators shouldn’t surprise you... Jezebel says it was must be cold hard fact...

I mean, the guy is kinda right. You just linked to Baphomet, which has nothing to do with GG. I mean, if you had bothered to read through it, you’d see that one guy there criticizes them for endangering people is accused of being a “GG fag.” They even discuss how funny it is that people like you keep blaming GG.

Mother fucker, that’s Baphomet you asshole. The people we point you directly to any time shit like this happens. People who have pulled this same shit on GG before, and will openly tell you about how much they hate GG and will ban them from their forums.

I of course denounce the SWATTING (although we have no idea who was involved), but it is pretty hard to feel sympathetic for someone who is so opposed to ethical journalism that they try to get the department of justice involved. I repeat, though, that we have absolutely no idea who was involved with this, so it is

I’m not interested in op eds or unverified claims made in the media. You said GG were planning and bragging on their forums, and I want to see it directly. Show me where they were doing that.

Do you have instances of pGG swatting people, verified with proof connecting the attacks to GG? Because otherwise it isn’t a “known tactic.” The method of dealing with corrupt politicians is to attack their credibility, not make them martyrs.

There has never been a single swatting that actually ended up being linked to GG.

Still mad about that debate with Sargon, are we Anna?

There isn’t a claim being made that GG was behind it to begin with. Unless you have proof of that being the case. Do you have proof of that being the case?

There exists no reason to believe that GG had anything to do with this. Clark never even made that claim. This is editorializing by Merlan because she has a hate boner for GG stemming back from when she tried to debate Sargon of Akkad on the subject and failed miserably.

Do you have any proof what so ever that this had anything to do with GG? Because r/kotakuinaction only heard about this today, and there isn’t anything on 8ch about it at all. Or twitter.