
Why can't they just build this with a regular 4-banger, rear-wheel-drive, and a stick? That would be awesome.

This is pure awesomeness.

A peck on the cheek isn't really kissing in the way that a french kiss is.

Spanking is not the same as hitting.

That has to be a fatality.

Me too! And I can't get back to the front seat for anything.

I can't stop watching!!! Really. Somebody help me. Please.

Yes, yes, and yes!

I stopped reading at "nearly identical."

I know!

Of course you can say that. It's the truth. She is just so precious.

I would definitely buy one of these if they brought it here.

Oh, I didn't know PP actively "targeted" people to make them get abortions.

Hoon of the week? Hoon of the month!

His wife is beautiful. What an idiot. I doubt very seriously she's going to stick around for much longer.

I had no idea this existed. How cool, and strange.


This was truly beautiful.

You are most correct.

Very beautiful feline you have there. Post pics of the others, please.