
I sort of feel like the NFL wants these suspensions reduced. They get to look tough on whatever issue is at hand. They can blame a weasel-y, lawyer-y, process for forcing them to be less father-ly tough. They get star players back on the field for the TV cameras. And, most importantly, they don’t really care if

I’m sorry, I got this far: “claimed that Holder merely slipped and fell”

It’s hard to pick one passage that stands out above the others, but I think this one does it for me: “Maister went on to attack Mecklenburg District Judge Rebecca Thorne Tin, who convicted Hardy of assault, saying she couldn’t have ruled fairly because when she was in law school, she co-chaired the Harvard Battered

Jesus Christ. It’s not necessarily surprising but, at the same time, the extensive discussion of their sex lives in this hearing left me speechless. The judge finding him guilty should have been enough for the NFL. These transcripts show there was basically a whole other trial held privately with the NFL where the

I don’t know why the character of this woman or her sexual activities should matter. The only thing that should is that a large powerful man beat a woman well beyond the point of “self-defense” and then threw her onto a bed full of loaded guns. Everything outside of that to me seems irrelevant to the case.

Is it really surprising the NFL cares more about PR and posturing than some stupid pink ribbons?

Diana Moskovitz deserves a fucking Pulitzer for her coverage of the NFL’s craven stupidity on this issue and and, truthfully, in all things.

Dayuuim Deadspin. Gotta give it you this is some great muckraking, and journalism. ESPN, Fox Sports, NBC may want to take notes.

Yeah, really though.... Fuck you Greg Hardy, and a big ol’ fuck you to Jerry Jones.

...and reward it.”

Tell ya what. Go beat the shit out of your girlfriend or boyfriend and see if anyone from the NFL shows up with a $12 million check.

Who gives a shit that he missed 19 games? He should be missing them all and the NFL shouldn’t be enabling this r from franchises. Any claims to moral superiority from the NFL head offices

If what Diana said in her report is true and the NFL had all this, there is no way they would not have shared it with the team.

This is perfect.

I think “We have given Greg a second chance” admits that he did something wrong in the first place, and recognizing that he did something wrong but not punishing him or advocating any punishment undermines the notion that Jerry Jones and the Cowboys and The NFL take domestic violence seriously. They don't. Football

I think this situation shows, more than anything, that performance is all NFL teams care about. Ray Rice hits his fiancee after the worst season of his career, and he’ll never play another snap. Greg Hardy violently assaults his girlfriend and attacks (yes, attacks) a coach on the sideline in an NFL game and has the

“We do not condone domestic violence. We just enable it.”

No physical evidence, a rape kit tampered with by the victim’s family, inconsistent witness testimony. I’d considered this resolved. As in, Kane didn’t rape anybody and falsely accused people deserve your support.

There is literally evidence that proves it was unlikely and no evidence exists suggesting that he did it. Zero evidence. Zero.