Gryphon Osiris

I disagree. A lot of this is context.

And what the fuck is a “miscarriage of justice”? (Besides for a Freudian slip that is too painfully accurate.)

I will dance on their corpses with utter glee.

Please, God, send this Morlock in for as long as legally possible. If enough of Dump’s toadies end up doing time maybe someday, somewhere one of these sociopaths out of some lingering shred of self-preservation might refuse to grovel before him.

This is an excellent post that fully encapsulates both the history and significance of the Air Force One livery. I once had the amazing opportunity to see both VC-25A’s in person and they were glorious. My significant other works for DOD and I happily tag along on some official trips when I’m allowed.

I wish to simultaneously applaud the prosecutorial team that resigned in protest, and to grieve the environment making that kind of principled stand necessary.

You endore lots of shit with the hope that someday, somehow, Trump and his associates will suffer a great fall. And you will be rewarded.

The “I got mine fuck everyone else” mentality of the modern GOP is constantly astounding. The rate that they are going to try to cultivate a society of stupidity and blind fealty to their wealthy overlords makes no goddamn sense in the long run. The economy of this country is heavily reliant on consumption. As the

Jesus fucking Christ, every day it’s just a whole new shit storm of greater degrees of shit than the last.

“Think of your student loans like Trump Steaks” 

God I loathe Trump and his fucking feckless asshole bretheren. They are utter shitbags of the highest order and so fucking corrupt, I literally wish for a day to wake up and not see them in anything other than a past tense.

Roger Stone is a phrenologist’s wet dream. That sloping microcephalic dome portends all manner of sexual deviancy and criminal predilections.

Yeah, if was going to attach any negative adjectives to the new livery, I’d say “half-assed”.

More like the next 3 Presidents, as this administration has had enough stupid for multiple regular presidencies. Unfortunately, Trump has set a new low bar. Every Trump Light is going to think he has a chance for the next few elections.

That’s assuming someone has figured out how to pry him out of the Oval, after somehow penetrating the 1,300 armed ‘patriots’ encircling the WH who will not accept the outcome of the November election.

I’ll agree. The new livery isn’t terrible. It’s just incredibly mediocre and uninspired. It looks like an early 90s budget airline. 

Actually, the entirety of the next President’s first term will probably be eaten up with undoing all the stupid shit. Some of it will take decades.

It’s going to be a hoot when Putin has no more use for Trump and his band of comic book villains and they all start dropping dead from a mysterious highly lethal poison. I for one won’t be able to stop grinning from ear to ear when that day comes in the near future.

Great article with far more detail than I expected from the headline.

The new paint scheme, like the administration itself, perfectly represents modern America: tacky, stupid, greedy and tasteless.