Gryphon Osiris

No, no greedy at all, at the very least it would piss Trump off with her going to jail as the same time he is since he then couldn’t get conjugal visits.

Well, there is a lot of photographic evidence that they have a ‘special’ relationship, quite a few of those pictures taken while she was still underage.

It would also explain the orange make up; he’s trying to hide the tell tale flushed skin.

More than likely it’s not a porn star but his daughter.

Problem is that lumpy only drinks diet coke, so he can’t even have fun like a normal person.

Problem is he can’t cheat against a simulator.

We all know the real reason for it: so he doesn’t actually have to walk on the green and get something resembling exercise.

I can’t see them, therefore they’re not real”

Someone should introduce him to Mr. Typhus, Ms. Salmonella, Mr. Y. Pestis, and Senor H1N1 and see what he thinks about germs.

Also know as “The most expensive masturbation sessions in history”.

Now playing

I still laugh at this: “It’s f***ing Chuckie!

Not bad, considering that the design is all based off 2 interred B-29's from WWII

Well, with the midwest survivalist crowd Cream of mushroom soup is used for everything.

Sounds like my life, actually.

Executive time”, i.e. watching TV, eating fast food, masturbating, and fondling his daughter.

And here I just pawned mine over to the grandparents so we could have a day free.

So, as we’ve all been saying, he wants absolute power.

Been playing it and my 2 year keeps going “That’s Donald.... that’s Goofy....” Gotta love father/daughter bonding, :-P

Eric thinks that if he supports Daddy hard enough Trump will finally take him to that Met’s game he was promised back when he was 6.

Sure, you can force bible reading on kids, so long as you also force them to read the Talmud, the Torah, the Koran, the texts of Buddha, ect, because the 1st Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”

And Thomas Jefferson said: “Believing with you that religion is a matter

This alone leaves me with nothing but respect for the man: