Gryphon Osiris

but a particular type of man who likes women seems to particularly like jizzing on their face. Or maybe they all just watch too much “adult entertainment.”

My ex, a female for reference, actually wanted me to finish on her chest, neck or face. I thought it was strange and rather gross, however she got off on the “hot

To be fair, they had their hands tied with Kavanaugh to not make inquiries with certain people and an unreasonably short deadline to do said investigation.

Not really, Stalin always talked about “Useful idiots”, but I think this is more of a case of toss the bull in the china shop and let it run rampant.

Nah, give them a 24 pack of beer and let them play with fireworks. That will own the libs for sure, ;-)

Problem is that you have these mouth breathers who refuse to listen to any of that.

The wall is merely meant to delay the inevitable assault...”

Probably not until his actions directly affect them.”

I’d sooner masturbate with rough grit sand paper than watch it.

Good idea, but doubt it will happen. He’s not building the wall for them, but as a monument to his own fragile ego and insecurities.

Donny is going to crawl out of this one way or another as a complete political eunuch. He should just accept that fact and take what is coming to him

Nah, the Canadians are white and speak something resembling English, so it wouldn’t fit his paranoid delusion.

Damn, she must down a box of wine and take a handful of Ketamine in order to sleep at night.

I’d rather hit her with bricks, but that’s due to my non-violent tendencies. Without them we’d go full Spanish inquisition on her.

Just read up on ‘Sad puppies’. Started by a pulp sci-fi writer who was desperately looking to get awards for his books. Wow, that’s sad.

Trump, honey, you best quit now while you’re behind. You haven’t the brains, wit, or vocabulary to take her on.

Sweet, time to kick some Innie ass!

My fear is that one of their incel legions will decide to take direct action, similar to the Pizza parlour incident, and sexually assault her or worse.

I have no doubt that they have rape fantasies over her in order to ‘put her in her place’.

Not really, most likely it was an ambush attack and he never was face to face with the target.

Drives home drunk and alone and some how drives into a pond filled with hungry gators, or something along those lines?