Gryphon Osiris

Nothing will prepare you for the first 2 weeks of roofing tar poop, followed by ass-plosion diapers, or the smell of it. Get a mask and nitrile gloves.

Also, for the first 6 months you will NEVER FECKING SLEEP!

Nothing Borderline about it.

I’m betting Tia Tequila is pissed because no Trump will give her a pickle tickle because she doesn’t look like Ivanka.

It’s a heinous though, for sure, but at the same time no one would be shocked if he did.

I’d agree. Donald Sr. almost certainly dictates what the wives look like. I wouldn’t be surprised if he also demands ‘Prima Noctra’.

I’ve been trying to, but it’s so damn obvious.

Anyone else notice that both his mistress and his wife look like his sister?

Though, with the ‘best of my ability’ part, if he pulls that then he looks incompetent.

Racist, weak AND ugly AF?

Isn’t saying they are ‘racist’ and that they are weak, ugly fucks redundant?

Nah, shit birds like this peaked at 17 and remained high school bullies for the rest of their pathetic lives.

Considering that Mueller is a former FBI agent, I have no doubt that he’s letting Trump stew so he’ll do some new stupid thing.

With a laugh track. It HAS to have a laugh track!

That’s what we are all hoping for.

I think checkers would be too hard for him too, since it has a set of well defined rules you must follow in order to play. Knowing him, he’d jump a man to the opposite end of the board, pronounce “King me!” then proceed to jump all the other pieces in the same move.

Mueller is playing chess, Trump is playing 52 pick up.

I’ve met the man, REALLY nice guy too.

As for WHEN (not if) Trump gets tried for his crimes, well, Vir Cotto on Babylon 5 put it best:

Well, combined with this and treason Trump will die in jail, one way or another.

Either Donald Trump has assembled some of the worst lawyers in recent memory, or Trump and his minions don’t care about appearing to obstruct justice.

The funny part is that for all their record of being raiders, pirates and barbarians, the Vikings were also merchants who had trade relations going all the way to the middle east. They were brutal as warriors, for sure, but they were nothing like the hate filled bigots who pretend that they share common ground with