Her special ability would be tongue in cheek humor and incredibly inventive ways to get killed, :-P
Her special ability would be tongue in cheek humor and incredibly inventive ways to get killed, :-P
Very impressive flip, but she throws like a girl....
Northern Realm stacked with Spies and siege with the Leader card that acts as a commanders horn for siege units. Also have the Blue stripes and the reavers in there because their mutual assist makes them formidable when you buff them too.
But will the end suddenly come at you and leave you completely disappointed?
Send Derek Smart to help him, that would surely ‘help’.
Just kidding, of course, we don’t want that fool running yet another studio and game into the toilet.
“Molyneux and co have said very little about The Trail.”
But, will it will still let us down by not meeting all the hype from Peter?
She’s not even funny in a “ha-ha look at the monkey” sense...
You know the emperor has an internet connection on the Golden Throne, why do you think he’s been there for 10,000 years, immobile? Maintaining the Astronomican is just what he does between sessions.
Give us a few hours and copious amounts of wine and we’ll be within the enemy....
I was going to say, the GTAV bikini blonde is just about every narcissistic blonde in Malibu.
All the KFC’s near me are total crap anyway. They take too damn long for the most basic order and tend to be understaffed, under maintained and generally crap-tacular. Popeyes for the Win!
A plus already over the other, and to be fair I’ve known quite a few sweet girls who were about as smart as a box of hammers.
Any duller than a conversation with a Kardashian?
So, back to her old self: taking selfie shots at party to stay in the public eye?
nah, too small. Soldier 76 perhaps. But need a big, beefy dog for Reinhardt.
I’m thinking Reinhardt would be a St. Bernard.
Caught a tracer using an aimbot with it, the person was tracking heads through walls.
Private Griff, stop making up mythical animals....!
Can’t fix stupid..... Someone needs to check her Family tree, see if any of them came to the US from Germany by way of South America.
Brad Dorif made that one though, no matter what he does he’s brilliant. My particular favorite episode of Babylon 5 Called “Passing through Gesemane” had him as the focus of the episode. He deserved an Emmy for it.