
Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

Yes, it’d be much better if she’d lied to him and conducted an affair. People are not wedded for life. You’re allowed to leave a relationship for any reason.

I really fucking loved this movie!

The song was stuck in my head for a couple of weeks too.

“Maybe you should just try a teeny tiny bit to not express your thoughts in ways that actively hurt other people?”

In addition to all that, I can see the possibility of solar panels integrated into the long roof of the trailer... as well as motors for the trailer to provide extra power for accelleration and regenerative braking.

for real

She always said that there’d been one phone call, just that it never included talking about the offending line or playing the song for her, which according to the leaked videos still stands as true.

Okay, I watched all the snapchat videos and I didn’t really hear him include the line “I made that bitch famous.” Did anyone else?

This might be screaming into the void, but can we please avoid leaping to wild conclusions before we have all of the answers? This was obviously a terrible event, but it won’t be made any better by wild speculation and finger-pointing. Let’s get the facts before we start calling for action against groups or people who

They definitely do not share the same PR person, and never have. Kanye’s longtime PR (like, from his pre-rapping producer days) is Gabe Tesoriero, now EVP of PR at Def Jam. Taylor’s PR person is a woman named TREE PAINE, and before that, her whole career was handled by Paula Erickson—both at independent PR firms.

I want to hate on this, but this chick makes tens of thousands of dollars just by brushing her teeth, flies her cats around on private jets and bangs hot British dudes.

Gap was gone before Hamilton got a nose in there?? Did you even watch a replay?? Take a look at this picture of the incident that Rubens Barrichello tweeted and explain how Hamilton had gone for a closed gap.

It’s just too mentally exhausting to participate in other articles with all the arguing and whatnot. Someone once called me out on it and it made me feel like the MVP of the defense squad, truthfully!

I know I’m biased* since I actually like Taylor despite her being #problematic, but this. Regardless of how juvenile or silly people think her lyrics are, she’s been recognized by American songwriters for her entire career. Obviously since she’s at the peak of her career it was a good time to award her something but

What we’re all missing is the grave injustice of Andrew Jackson being forced to relocate by the federal government. He must be very sad...

A lot of what’s referred to as “PC” nowadays is just people not being retrograde sociopaths.

Okay, fair enough, but this is also Taylor’s actual childhood bestie. Most fans are familiar with the legendary Abigail from high school, but Britney was Taylor’s best friend from infancy.

You know, when I’m in my cage and I see somebody on a sportbike hauling ass up to me about to pass me, despite the fact lanesplitting is illegal where I live, and it still annoys me they are driving like a douche, I don’t try to block them or start trouble like an asshole. Why is this so hard for people? What part of

And usually does; attempted murder, attempted vehicular homicide, attempted vehicular assault, depending on the local laws.