Hoyo Afrïka

How is it possible to look this shitty in so short a time?

1. I don’t like government involvement in most things.

Medicare is (mostly) a self funded system, but I don’t agree with social security either.

Somehow every time I read a Ferrari article, I come out the other side thinking “fuck Ferrari.”

ME: tolerance and peace is the best way to go through life. we shouldn’t infringe on somebody who’s just doing what they want
ALSO ME: we should destroy every teen

This. I was just about to ask, “Are we NOT going to talk about the chill-ass crane operator in the La-Z-Boy?”

That guy running the loader has the exact right amount of chill: in command, but not at all fussed about it.

I was in Amsterdam and asked someone how deep the canals are. His answer: one meter of water, three meters of bicycles.

Now playing

Hannibal Buress already has this covered:

You really can’t ever scrub all references to Lance Armstrong out of the coverage no matter how hard you try.


I have weathered a lot of micro-scandals but this one hurts MOST, because of the vulnerability of letting people know Lamby and my story, and because I miss him so damn much. I know I’m a lot of fun to place your issues on, but I won’t let anyone hang their hat on this peg. Not this time.

holy shit! You can buy dogs that bite Lena Dunham? Sign me up.

When I was in high school, I was obsessed with a series of novels set in the lost colony of Roanoke. It all seemed so very plausible, what the author imagined happening to the colony, and why it disappeared the way it did. I would love to read a book like that about Earhart.

WTAF. Michael Crichton hasn’t even been dead 10 years.

The best B-side is “17 Days” - that’s just.....a historical fact, I think.

Beautiful article. Prince was the man/woman ❤️

Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.

Putting shit into your ass should be called “Raspberry Beret” simply because of the lyric “She walked in through the out door.”