Hoyo Afrïka

*puts Computer Science Major hat on, takes off race car hat*

There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between “cyberattack” and “we didn’t expect the interest and demand from the world of motorsport enthusiasts, and our service did not have the proper infrastructure in place to support all these requests to view it.”

This is why

“There is a chronic lack of vision at the top levels of management in the agency. Something that many people have overlooked, especially observers in the media, is that the level of service degradation we see today is in fact due to procedural and policy changes”

Nice to see Bieber will also throw on a hairstyle from team Korn.

At long last my SUV search is over. Someone finally solved my first world problem. I need space for my 2 Championship quality dogs and room for my falconry gear and birds.

I would just like to point out some things:

Wait, why is this something to hate on this guy about? I mean, I know hes the Nickleback of sports professionals, but honestly, this man worked his dick off to get a spot.

Does that come with a choice between a variety of hats or stuffed animals for the rear window?

I hope someone gives Bethenny TOO MUCH TUNA!

Never heard of them, and it sounds like I didn’t miss out on anything. Goodbye, whoever you were.

Surprising absolutely everyone, the WNBA draft is tonight.

I want Closer by Nine Inch Nails at my wedding.

I’m convinced that a large percentage of the population has poor listening comprehension.

My plan is simple:

We are all stupider for having read this. You get an F.

Getting all reddit up in this spot.

I get the impression you’ve been waiting a long time to tell this story.

Oklahoma was literally founded on the idea that you should be able to just take things away from Native Americans if you want it bad enough so I am not surprised.

They really can’t because it would set a terrible precedent.
Also I have a little sympathy because it was a goddamn hook and ladder hail mary. Stop it and you don’t get beat.

Few classes of people in this world are as batshittedly convinced of their own influence and importance than college newspapers nerds and jesus fuck I miss that world so goddamn much I’m 32 and my DEEP AND IMPORTANT COLLEGE NEWSPAPER EXPERIENCE made me a legal editor in a hidden kingdom of batshit crazy conservative