
I speak fluent sign language but doubt many Krauts know it.

NASCAR’s turning left while the rest of the country turns right into Nazi Germany.

Honestly? At this point it just doesn’t matter. We have all the answers we need. The fact is, NFL fans are basically just NASCAR fans these days.

Sad how criminals pretend to be Muslim just to get more media attention for their attacks.

Millennials are the only good things about this country nowadays. Hey, Bernie would have won.

Worse than Hitler, but Hitler for the sake of brevity.

It’s actually a well-known fact that Uncle Joe wanted to run and was told that it would not be allowed.

Yeah, ok.

That is an excellent gif file. Appropriate too as that guy looks just like John Lewis. Sorry if that was the joke.

“I could build it for $350 and John Lewis looks like a toe.” - Trump

So sad that this beautiful man could have been our president if Hillary’s Team of Corrupt DC Elite Assholes didn’t forbid him from running. Same goes for Bernie who I actually would have preferred to Uncle Joe. Either of them would have beat Trump. Safe to say that mistakes were made.

I would definitely cash out and use the proceeds for a few months of rent in a modest apartment in New York City. A taste of The Good Life.