Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Is there such a thing as malicious prosecution in the States? The reopening of the case and announcing it to the public when they knew they were pretty much the same emails they’d already investigated is so blatantly aimed at harming Hillary’s campaign just makes me think that someone should be hauled over the coals

This is something that passed through my mind, surely if guns are as safe as they make out, someone having a gun, as they regularly say everyone should have, shouldn’t be a problem?

That’s along the lines I was thinking (as long as it gets on with my dog), I obviously live too close to get away with stealing the dog but could at least try to get the thing some respite. I would happily turn my flat into some kind of doggy creche for 24 hours anyway (although I’d probably have issues giving them

I approve!

Hola Jezzies!

Oi hai! I keep falling asleep before SNS gets published, then took a mental health break from comments sections after an abusive comment on another site got to me. Hopefully shall be up to speed soon!

Half price chocolate day (four a year, the day after Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s day and Easter) are the most important days in my people’s calendar.

I read the nickname “trash panda” for racoons for the first time a few months ago, and have found it the most adorable thing ever since. There’s so many damned adorable GIFs that it breaks the lump of coal I use for a heart. Awwww!

OK, well last time I was in America, I became severely constipated - mainly because the stall walls are so high in public toilets that my bowel refused to budge. I could not poop, not matter how much I wanted to and tried, because I felt like I was completely on display - whenever I sat down, you could pretty much

From the sound of the guy, he probably knew he’d possibly caught one and was going to claim she must have had sex with someone else and given it him. Y’know, douche logic.

.... Did he need flaming TP for his bumhole?

Yeah, it’s important to lead by example. If you want Trump’s people to behave in a more civilised way, you show them how rational people behave - not like a bunch of first year uni kids on a R.A.G. week bender.

I’ve saved six month’s worth of Mooncup emptyings, will that be enough? I’m quite productive.

I’ve give a speech, but I’m too busy crying in the bathroom because it’s all too much.


I’d rather hack my labia off with a blunt credit card and rub salt onto the fresh wounds than let Trump even feel my arse, and I’m not even that picky when it comes to where I’m getting cock from.

They had an obligation to report the information to the police and didn’t do so. If you were told that someone was a murderer and didn’t pass the information to the police, them knowing you instructed the path of justice would be enough to get you time in jail. Same with information that someone was partaking in

Could that last line be used against her? I’m sure it’s something his lawyer will jump on to demonstrate she’s not deeply affected by his actions, I think we’re all familiar with the “she’s not wearing sackcloth nor covered in ashes, therefore isn’t victim-y enough to be telling the truth” defense.

Good point, I’d not considered that. With the number of people saying “she must have known” and the implication she was either turning a blind eye or shared Jared’s proclivities, she’s few options available to clear her name, even though some will think it’s a case of the lady protesting too much.

To me, she’s already won the biggest reason for doing this - letting us all know that Subway harboured a paedophile to protect their brand. The bigger the stink she makes, the better, as far as I’m concerned.