Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Merry Saturday Jezzies!

That certainly doesn’t take away from the point, so you’re all good there! As you say, it highlights nicely that the felony caveat is almost useless when the laws surrounding the movement of weapons are as flimsy and ill policed as they currently are.

Nah, you made me giggle, it’s all good!!! I know that kids find their joy buzzers quite young and all that, but when a kid is fapping in front of 30 other kids, a teacher and sometimes a teaching assistant you would think that someone would have dealt with situation at some point between the ages of 5 and 16. You’d

I’m guessing you’ve a similar result as us in that whilst gun crime isn’t 100% eradicated, the rate of gun crime and deaths caused by guns is reassuringly low in comparison to that of the States. I get that there are countres with with high gun ownership and low gun crime, which argues that the problem is cultural,

Even better, Trump means fart over here, the presidential race would be hilarious if there wasn’t so much on the line with it.

It’s one of those things that are *technically* a good idea, but... yeah... *sucks teeth*

Our (UK) gun control laws work *really* well.

The controls are so strict that guns are generally considered by the public to be 100% illegal, even though you can apply for a firearms licence. To be approved, you have to prove you have good reason to own a gun (eg you are a farmer and want to use a shotgun to protect

Oh god, I’ve just remembered a childhood horror.

Ooh, you smooth bastard.

I dunno, I used to take a load to the face every day and now my pores look pregnant.

I had something similar happen to me in the bad old days of dial up internet, someone in my brother’s year (three years older) but waaaaay after we’d all left schoolmade three accounts, which he added me on messenger from. I didn’t realise (derrrrrp) and was chatting some pure filth to one of the accounts - one that

You’ll pry my crossbody from my cold, dead claws.

Yup, not only does it smell gross but deciding that women want to smell of baby? WTF?


Suddenly the horrific tale about a man who punched a five day old baby in the supermarket claiming he thought it was a doll makes sense.

This better not herald the return of black and neon bum bags (I think that’s “fanny pack” in American?). Especially teamed with matching cycling shorts.

It’s almost like a cop’s kit includes a standard issue “drop gun”, with which to deploy after shooting black people.

I’m depressingly reminded of the Southpark “Oh my god, it’s coming right for us” to justify illegal hunting.

It is very heavy going, both heart breaking and infuriating.