Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Oh, I saw this video about a charity that takes dying people’s pets into their hospices so they could have that time with them. I didn’t even get to the part when the cuddling happened before I was a snot covered sobbing mess. Pets are amazing, magical family members who miss out on a lot because they’re not a people

I picked up on that too, they’ll claim anything in the hope of seeming more active than they are.

Thank you! *high fives* This photo is somewhat flattering, I have a lordosis and a kyphosis as well (brought by the the joy of Ehlers-Danlos), but am lucky in that whilst they very uncomfortable at times, they’re pretty mild so haven’t had to suffer surgery or a brace.

Only stayed one night, which surprised me as I was kept in for four nights when I had my gallbladder out, with my naturally obscenely low blood pressure, tachycardia and odd breathing pattern I generally freak physicians out and get a lot of “just in case” measures.

Feel free to steal away, I get to kid myself that I have Shakespearian levels of linguistic influence that way!

Nothing wrong in gorging on cinnamon roll and retiring somewhere like an anaconda to digest it. It’s medicinal in this case. Medicine’s important.

It’s probably very easy to get swept up in the “my team vs your team” mentality and forget that the crimes of these guys hurt another person in a terrible way - the focus is forced by the media to the athlete and how it affects the athlete. I guess whilst you don’t feel good about being unwittingly dragged into that,

Thank you! I only found the third sticky last night, it’s bewildering to realise you’d missed something so apparently obvious for so long!!!

Thank you! I’ve just peeled off a couple of layers, the final one seems stuck to the surgical glue so I won’t tug away at it just yet. Much as I don’t mind the zipper for my human suit showing, I don’t fancy my neck falling open at this time (01:48am over here in Blighty), Accident and Emergency is a nightmare at

Oosh. Sounds like you’ve had a seriously rough time of it. You’ve been pushing hard through illness, and it takes a lot to recover from that - don’t beat yourself up over “still failing” when you’ve still been working at it all through major illness.

Yay thank you! Here’s one of the monitors still stuck to my back, starring alongside my scoliosis. Bodies are amusing.

It’s good that you’re challenging the way that you think and talk about these guys, it’s a kind of self examination that is neither easy nor comfortable.

Oh happy birthday to your sprog! I was only saying the other day that I wouldn’t be a teenager again if you paid me, so much social pressure! Hope the pity party helps.

OMG I loved my Teva sandals, boots sound AMAZING! *looks at website* Oooooh, they’ve some super cute ones too!!!

Aww thank you! I have 36 piercings. Getting them all back in after surgery was exceedingly long winded!!!

Hey Jezzies!
So, I finally got rid of Tyrone, the Thy4 thyroid nodule on Wednesday. It nearly couldn’t go ahead, as a car ran into the back of the cab I was travelling to work in the day before, so my back and neck are FUBARed more than normal. The anaesthetist had concerns about the neck thing and her duty of care,

Back in the 90s, I remember a bruhaha about there actually being 13 signs, the 13th (which I would technically be) is Ophiuchus, which has this whole medical snakes and shit thing going on for it.

Full moon last night. Yup yup.

Sweary woofer FTW!!!

It’s OK, you’re just proving you’re not heartless. That means you will be a wonderful nurse.