Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

I guess so, really - I keep enough distance to not test the theory on just how bad he is, it’s well over a year since I saw him last, so whilst I’ve heard the rages I’ve not seen if they are of the same physical intensity. After my ex left me with severe after effects from head injuries I sustained from him, I’m not

Last time he battered me I was about 21 / 22, which would have made him 24 / 25 (he came home just after me and demanded I make him his supper - I said no, he pinned me to the wall by my throat and repeatedly bounced my head off the wall), so I don’t think it’s likely he’s grown out of it.

It’s what goes on in the households of people with narcissistic personality disorder, the lives of the scapegoat kids is seriously shitty (it explains a lot about my very fucked up adulthood shite as well...) whilst what’s referred to as the Golden Child does all sorts of sadistic shit without so much as a stern

The Manc is strong in this one!!!

I don’t have an opinion on Burke’s involvment, but my brother wasn’t in secondary school (so 10 or under) when he wrapped a broken string from our dad’s guitar around my throat and pulled hard (whilst sat on my chest, pinning my arms with his knees). He must have seen it on a film or something, he was always

A law like that would probably help a lot - there will still be a number of people who end up agreeing out of fear or duress*, but ANYTHING that slows down the pace that gun acquisition moves at is a step in the right direction.

I see we need to dust this one off....

Using the driving comparison again (since both are items that should be wielded with great care and only by people qualified to do so, since they are capable of causing serious injury), I’m not allowed to drive as I have epilepsy (well until I manage a year seizure free, that is) - I have a medical condition that

Having desperately tried to do the right thing and make an ex take accountability for his actions via the legal route, I totally get why Amber has finally settled up.

Yeah, the whole “if she’d done what the police told her to do and got a restraining order she’d be alive” shtick doesn’t acknowledge that there a fucktonne of reasons why someone doesn’t follow through on an order. I know that she was probably so scared that she didn’t want a piece of paper (restraining orders aren’t

The regular slaying of abused partners, or the whole well regulated militia?

Heck, there’s even people on the Jez Facebook post of this article claiming it’s the wrong finger, etc.

Yup, whenever I recant more than just a few basic facts about what I went through with my ex I realise it sounds so fucked up it has to be fictional and stop talking. Heck, his lawyers even relied on how insane some of the stuff he did sounded to discredit me.

I want to print out every goddamn pro-Depp comment and wheel the pages round in a trolley with me everywhere I go, purely for the next time I hear someone say “if it was that bad, why didn’t she leave” about ANYONE who experiences domestic violence. I’ll drop the documents on their feet whilst sweetly saying “because

That’s one that even included what many would consider a cooling off period. That concept really worked there, didn’t it?

Probably both, it’s more socially acceptable to say “I want one to protect myself” than it is “I want one to end a life”or “they’re out to get me”.

... and in the TMZ comments section, people are still defending the bulbous, infected scrotum that is Johnny Depp.

Lipstick is obvious Blake repellent. Not only is it yucky “patent handbag from 2010” beige, but it’s sticky and slimy intentionally to make him not try to kiss her in public.

Yup. It’s so simple, yet apparently for some an impossible concept to grasp. Some people are just not stable enough to be in charge of a killing machine. In fact, most people are not.

The way that a gun can be bought almost as easily as a pint of milk is terrifying. Stomped out of the house to cool down after an argument? May as well pick up a shooter and finish the job once and for all. It should NEVER be that easy.