Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

I’m thinking it involves some sort of Hanna Montana scenario.

I’m a bit unsure of whether her mum’s shittiness is down to abusive husband, or just outright stand alone shittiness, so omitted from list of definate confirmed shits.

It’s something that’s crossed my mind as well, she seems to be desparately blotting out some sort of deep rooted pain that goes further than it being purely abusive parents and her job eclipsing her childhood.

Yeah, I’m not a fan or anything, but I just want to hold her, let her cry and tell her everything is going to be OK. It just seems that she has a distinct lack of a support network equiped to deal with the things she’s going through. I sincerely hope she splits for good from the festering carbuncles that are her

What a wonderful time to be alive.

Is Rick Ross toking on a vape-cigar thing or a metal dildo?

Head lice, scabies, crabs and your husband - all parasites that make life miserable, are uncomfortable to have, seem hard to get rid of and are embarrassing to admit you have a problem with.

From what I’ve seen during my time on the social housing waiting list, it appears the places are provided by charities as supported living accommodation, where they are tenants as opposed to patients.

I can barely walk due to genetic fuckery. Pokévision turned Pokémon Go from an app that I tried once and decided wasn’t something I could play into a game that was worth burning my phone battery out for. I’m not going to toddle a hundred yards of searing pain without some sort of confidence that I’m getting something

I wake up with my hair pretty much like a red, blue and purple version of the Holtzmann ‘do, which makes me super chuffed.

As someone who has experienced prejudice due to her disabilities, things like this scare the shit out of me. I know I’m very unlikely to be at the receiving end of this sort of crime, but the amount of spite I’ve personally had leveled at me means I have concerns that this might trigger copy cat attacks.

Urgh, I made the mistake of reading the comments on the Scum’s article on LiLo’s assault. People are claiming she’s doing it for the publicity. I worry about humanity, I really do.

Ladies and germs, these are my people!

Yeah, I mean I’ve seen “P.C.” be used to bully someone online a few times (over zealous policing of people for not being inclusive enough with their phrasing in discussions, mainly those relating to gender and sexuality, which certainly harm the credibility of P.C.), but as a rule I’m more likely to find the type of

I love this GIF mainly because Kim’s forehead remains static when most are able to wiggle their eyebrows in a saucy manner. With botox comes great comedy.

I think the rise in racism we’ve seen in the UK since the EU referendum has shown that it’s quite possible that Trump’s rhetoric has been a catalyst in the amount displays of racism that the US is seeing right now. It’s not that there’s more racism, just more people think it’s socially acceptable again because they’re

Yeah, I did the same (reporting as many of the abusive accounts as I could stay up doing and sent a bit o’ love), it was the best I could do from England when what I really wanted to do was wrap the poor woman up in a blanket, hug her and rock her back and forth whilst feeding her nice things and making soothing

I guess a doctor willing to put a patient under general anesthesia every damn night couldn’t be expected to be a shining example of good ethics and high morals, but this guy’s a special level of turd.

I’ve had a quick prod on the American codes of practice, and it seems that demonstrating intent to abuse a child is mandatory to report, so he’s dropped himself in shit with his claims. If challenged legally, I’m guessing he’d either have to admit to being a liar, or admit that he harboured a paedophile. Neither’s a

You have to wonder who’s buying his book. I mean, you know journalists are to report back on what the guy’s written (if they didn’t get a free copy), but I think we’d be hard pushed to find someone who thinks he’s truthful.