Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Bollocks. They forgot to allow for the Regional Hotness Varient Factor (preferred body type varies wildly around the world) and Strange Pootang Factor, IE being foreign makes someone instantly hotter abroad than they are at home.

As I’ve commented to a friend, I would happily bet the actual *real* money that I have very little of that Mr Trump is responsible for at least one abortion having to be had.

Now I’m torn. I find myself eye-twitchingly irritated by obvious abuse of the English language (mind you, sometimes my brain checks out and I type out some shockers), but don’t point it out.

You could build a nest out of them. A NEST!!!

Ah, gotcha.

I would love to know how those damn hair grow so quickly. If that power to sprout at rocket speed could be somehow harnessed and used for non-hair purposes, world hunger could be ended.

NHS fistbump! Seeing the Tories trying to dismantle it has felt like a knife through my heart. I’d most likely be dead if it wasn’t there for me when I was too ill to work. <3

Won’t lie, I did a little happy dance for her there, I sincerely hope that this all ends in Janice’s favour.

Yeah, surely the letters would have been the property of the recipient to disclose as they see fit?

Doing the research around this crap, it’s like all the old LJ drama communities hate fucked each other and shat out an angry neonate with below zero social skills and antisocial personality disorder.

Sigh. Glad you’re staying though!

Ah, is that where the wave of childish jerks who basically appeared to make nasty comments for no reason have come from? I hope they fail miserably and piss off. If you do get “got”, I hope you’ll rebrand and come back!

It might be ;)

Here’s the kicker - we think it reflects badly on us if people know we were knocked around!!

Ahh I wish I’d spotted your post last week, a year and one month ago I was in the same situation as your employee. Being open and honest with my managers turned out for the best (I’d hidden a lot and had a lot of unexplained absences) as I still had lots of time off after I got out to deal with court and various

Evenin’ Jezzies! So,the other week I forgot to mention about the amazing sight that awaited me when I stepped out of my front door.


I meant to get a lot of errands run that I’ve been putting off for a long time (like, I’ve been trying to build a flat pack wardrobe for three months now, my screw driver bust so I need a new one but have been procrastinating like hell), but really couldn’t muster the energy.

I second that Jezzies are awesome, they’ve been there for me venting Etna and are generally wonderful!
