Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Oh dear god, we should warn the Germans that they’ll come flocking now. Then again, the influx of hateful shite should get people focused away from being racist.

As a Brit, I have never tasted a Peep. Are they just sugar coated marshmallows, or have they some sort of Peep specific flavour?

If the law’s as lax as “if it’s in a public space, meh”, I’d certainly avoid it.

UK, there’s a lot of “he said / she said” spouted here, but the laws are nowhere near as bad as Germany’s.

Holy shitting cockfuck this is awful. So basically, the place is a sexual assault free-for-all?

Could this man be any more perfect? Seriously, I’m struggling here.

Sadly, the cosmos is bent on revenge for all that perfectly good tea America wasted.

I love the guys clutching their hearts with joy in the background.

If the laws in the States are similar to Europe, they’ll possibly be de-identified, relabelled and sold off to a grey market vendor.

Well, contamination from another food source is a really common cause of recalls, but DAMN those sound like tasty, tasty treats.

Hmm, that’s definately the sort of information I’d rather know about, thank you!

Why thank you!

Oh no! Being non-bendy also causes that sort of shit? Is there no “just right” amount of bendiness???? Gentle hugs back for that one!

I’m disabled due to hypermobility (EDS type three to those who need medical speak). Before the pain from joint damage got too much, my signature move use to be to be sticking my ankles behind my ears, usually whilst fucking someone. Ah, those were the days.

Wait, does this mean I can sue toothpaste manufacturors because some toothpastes give me canker sores? HA!

Whatever it does, my dog will probably find a way to have sex with it.

Whatever it does, my dog will probably find a way to have sex with it.

Yeah, you can quite clearly see she is extremely uncomfortable and shaken, plus the way she phrases stuff seems to be done in a way to try and make sure he doesn’t read into it as her coming on to him.

In my experience, the term “PC” is generally used as a bigot’s dog whistle.

Why is it not surprising that Jim Bob, a known male who was OK with Josh diddling his daughters, thinks that everyone else should be OK with his son around their daughters? Anyone would think he saw women and girls as not worthy of being protected from abuse... *vof*

Never had a problem decrudding a slow cooker pan, buuuuut if we’re sharing tips, baked on horror can be made short work of by mixing biological washing powder (or liquid for the fancy) with warm water. Either make it to a paste and spread on, or make soapy water and let it sit on the offending article for 20 minutes.