Grunka Lunka Burnin' Love

You have now devoted that many words to someone making light of a typo in your racist trolling.

Which is bigger and oranger?

To be unduly fair to those morons, it's all relative. The sun — and all celestial objects — could certainly be said to revolve around the earth. The difference is that instead of simple eliptical orbits, everything's all a bunch of fucked-up Spirograph shit.

Not "anyone else," but certainly anyone who doesn't know a semicolon from a colon. And certainly not "[I] alone" — the whole point is that this is something children around the world have mastered. A semicolon is not a colon. They are different things. They do different things. If you are unable to do a google

"dan harmon's exquisite knowledge of how stories work and the monomyth"

How about being a dumbass who can't figure out how punctuation works?

Right? What is this, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?

Logic is a real person, apparently.

If the goal of the war was "Hey, don't be annexing Poland, y'all," then the Soviets didn't win shit. They may have driven back the Nazis, but it's not as if the countries they "liberated" were especially grateful to immediately find themselves under Soviet rule.

Meh. Call it the last straw.

You mean besides everything?

Especially so if you're Dutch.

I am also blind.

*courtroom gasps, murmurs*

I've been noticing lately that a lot of my bunches have started to freckle while they're still green.

We were being rotisserie chicken.

I thought management was all about hammocks.

The power of PR, folks.

One part of it is that a lot of these breathless "kidz r dum" articles are written in California, where avocados cost like half a penny. They simply don't understand why people would pay more than that for avocados. Well, because outside of California, they cost a lot.

"viral phrases" is the smallpox of phrases