
Percentage of fault divided among those involved:

It’s a lot less offensive way of making money then shoving auto-play video’s in someone’s face and then complaining when the ads are blocked.

Well, no, technically not. They’ve been like “Eff spell checkers” for years. The very first Gawker article I ever read had a glaring name misspelling for the principal person named in the story, in the first paragraph. As far as I can tell, they’ve never been able to use a spell checker, much less, you know, an

I think Vanillaware and Atlus went above and beyond for the Odin Sphere re-release, even if they didn’t need to. Fans can replay it, new players can experience it for the first time, and it runs and controls better overall.

The two examples you listed are pretty commonly seen as awesome remasters. Okami in higher resolution / widescreen was a big upgrade. Odin Sphere with a decent frame rate and notably improved combat systems was also a big plus for fans of the original.

Having a feature that’s not common is not revolutionary. Postal 2 had a feature that literally let you unzip your pants and piss on everything, and the ability to use a cat as a silencer, but no one’s lauding that as starting a revolution.

Well it’s pretty simple for me, really. If I want a new copy of a game, and Gamestop tells me they have no new copies available for sale, then I’ll take my business to a competitor.

i always assumed its so has the privacy to furiously masterbate every time he sees himself on the tee vee.

I think it’s worth mentioning that Gotta Protectors is actually a sequel to Protect Me Knight, a fantastic indie game from last gen (I played it on 360) and made by Yuzo Koshiro, the composer for titles like Actraiser, Streets of Rage and Shenmue.