
As a Canadian I say that you Americans created this mess, it’s up to you to fix it

Anytime I see anything related to Dragons Crown I’m reminded about what a certain editor stated on this very site. Not only did he insult the artist, he called every single person that enjoyed the game, regardless of their opinion of the character design pedophiles.... yeah, he did that.

Looking at Kappor’s Instagram, I’m truly amazed what people consider art. Most of his work looks like something I either shat out or puked up after a long night of excessive drinking and eating.

About 3$ CAD less (2.2$US) less then what I paid for it at launch.

About 3$ CAD less (2.2$US) less then what I paid for it at launch.

I’m pretty sure that the 2D version is essentially just your map based on that footage.

Buddy, your main problem is you seem to think only your opinion is the right one. Read your posts over with a clear mind and you’ll see that you are telling everyone that their opinion is wrong while yours is right. How fucked up is that?

While I find this and the inverted chocobo/on foot controls mentioned in the comments quite annoying, it’s worth noting that in Japan X is cancel and O is accept so they don’t actually have this problem.

That’s not an extra finger, it’s the rest of his hand. Do you not have palms or something and are unable to identify them?

Well I didn’t know who he was until about 30 seconds ago so, thanks for that I guess but not really.

You’re not, I enjoyed them too, just wished the planets weren’t so barren. Still beats the hell out of the planet scanning that came afterwards.

Plenty of good games on 3DS. And if you think your too old for the games on 3DS at 36, well I fell very sad for you. Stop caring about how others think of you based on the games you want to play and just play the damn games you want to. Me and my bro are around the same age as you, and we play the shit out of Pokemon.

If it wasn’t before, it seems pretty clear now that between the photo above of trump staring at Paul Ryan’s hands and the photo in another article posted a few days ago of Trump shaking Obama’s hand and starring at it instead of looking Obama in the eye that Trump is beyond any doubt very concerned with the size of

You listed Double Dragon 2 at 26? Mediocre at best? About a third of the games listed above it are complete trash, even by the standards of when they were released. Should it be at the top of the list? Not at all, but it definitely shouldn’t be at the bottom of the barrel. I take a guess that you’ve never even managed

I feel his pain, all my cards might be from when I was still in my first few years of high school (about 18 years ago) but I can’t fathom getting rid of them or getting them stolen.

Just so you know, what Americans call Canadian bacon, isn’t something we typically eat here. Just something else that you Americans screwed up.

I was about to post something similar but you saved me the trouble.

I’ve been saying this ever since the SE was announced but everybody thought I was trolling. When it eventually gets fixed (hopefully) it will be worth it on consoles but there is absolutely no reason to buy the SE on PC.

One of my favorite GameCube games, scratch that, one of my favorite horror games of all generations.. I was a little disappointed that the crowdfunded sequel never got enough money. I know it was hard to trust Dyack after so many mediocre games but I didn’t care, I just wanted more Eternal Darkness. 

I wonder how much they would offer for my Suikoden I & II but I don’t plan on finding out.

I haven’t watched Lost Highway in ages and don’t even remember much of the film but I’ll never forget that scene.