Grumpy Tiger

That’s most gacha games these days tbh.

Maybe more Stephen King than Christopher Nolan: “Sometimes, dead is better”

You either die a good game or live long enough to be a mobile game.

“CP” is also Champion Points in Elder Scrolls Online. Made by an American company. Honestly, until I saw this thread, I’d never thought to connect “CP” to “child pornography”.  I honestly can’t imagine someone hearing a person say “CP” in public and think “omg, criminals! get them!”

Is CP that common of an acronym for this? I’ve played plenty of games that used CP for some kind of points (most recently FFXIV) and I’ve never heard anyone use it for child porn. Do I just not run in the same circles? Do I need to start worrying about having discussions about FFXIV crafting rotations in public?

CP could also stand for Club Penguin, which was a favorite amongst kids for a long while. It was often referred to as such before it’s shutdown in fact. It was the first thing that came to my mind.

It’s not for you. Don’t think they’re abandoning you. New games with the same formula will always be coming, don’t worry.

This guy gets it.

I’m not arguing that breath of the wild wont hold up better than Let’s Go. I just don’t think ‘maximising the hardware’ is always a necessity or even that important, and Let’s Go does have a unique visual flare (unique to pokemon at least). 


Whoa now, calm down with that crazy talk. That sounds *expensive*. 

Maybe with Final Fantasy XVI they can just make a game, sell the game, and then we have the entire game. That’d be nice.

I like Smash ok, but I really fucking hate the fanbase. This game has literally every Smash character ever, plus a decent amount of new ones, and they’re still constantly disappointed by every single announcement.

If you came into this post and didn’t expect dicks, you’re probably gonna get fired from your job soon anyway.

I can;t stop laughing at the Lizardman fight.

Not participating in social media at all seems like the best thing to do these days.

I don’t know. I’ve been a bit hesitant about Kojumbo after he left Sonly. I suspect his own hubris may have Duke Nukem Forevered production of Mental Deer Sordid V, and that’s why it was released in an incomplete rushed to finish state.

Everyone says they want a Pokemon MMO, but do they really? Why would anyone want to deal with a bunch of kids with teams of 6 hacked Mewtwos running around? Or trainers with “xX420_DeathStar69Xx” usernames choking up Pokemon centers? What exactly is the appeal?

Nintendo and the Pokémon Co are Japanese companies. They make these games for kids and are confused as to why adults play it in the States.