
I don't hate the etiquette stuff as much as the rest because some of it, like the handshake thing, is something that isn't taught to a lot of people as they're going into work/careers. Knowing how to act professionally is not hurting anyone.

The appearance stuff, however - look at any NFL cheerleader and you'll notice

I assume (based on my extensive research of viewing half of an episode of 'Behind the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders' years ago) that the people who run these NFL cheerleader programs and put these handbooks together are themselves former cheerleaders who've found a unique bubble in which they never have to leave high

This sentence makes me rage harder than I have ever raged

I thought these names and descriptions were made up for the article...

A snow day in fucking college?

Krakatoa had an enormous eruption in 535, which dwarfs the infamous 1883 eruption. It can't be a coincidence that such a cold period followed; I think perhaps the cooling period was caused by a combination of factors.

There was a 'mini-ice age' in a range from about the 12th century to the mid 19th too. Massive starvation and death from exposure in Europe and the drought caused end of the Anasazi people of the south western Americas are linked to it as well.

Yeah, it starts with a redesigned shirtless Garrus and a new romance scene for him and FemShep. You want to be taken seriously and to get a job off this? Ditch the DeviantArt-style fetishizing (seriously, don't search Garrus on DeviantArt, it gets real weird, real fast).

OH, he even wants to work for video game companies. Let's see. His resume would read something like:

I wonder if peoples' hatred of series endings has more to do with their unwillingness to confront the end of something they loved (and by proxy, their own mortality) then it does any shortcomings in the game/show/whatever.

I have never been more happy to be isolated within a very different subculture in my mid-20s.

Yet more evidence that no one cool goes to music festivals any more.

I think women who reject men solely based on height (what's so fucking magical and awesome about 6' anyway?) are just as shallow as men who reject women based on weight.