
My mom, aunt, and grandmother have been telling this story for as long as I can remember.

It’s early fall, 2017. We had just fully fenced and added gardens to our backyard, including a lovely fairy path on a narrow stretch of dirt that separated our property from the apartment complex next door. With tall grasses, flowers, and stepping stones it made a magical little space that my daughter loved to run

I am Native American. His overall look was very distinct and memorable. I realize that many people of Native, Hispanic and Asian origin are often mistaken for other ethnicities. I've frequently mistaken as well. It wasn't intended as a slight,  his appearance is very, very distinct. 

As an anxious child, I’d wake up several times overnight to use the bathroom. This happened so often and for so long that my parents forbid me from turning on the lights because it would wake them up. 

In 2012, my relationship with my child’s father deteriorated and I moved to another state with my child. The only people I knew in the state were somewhat estranged family, so I didn’t have any friends or much access to other people outside of work.

This was one of the most terrifying moments in my life to date, and could easily have ended quite differently.

This would have been in the early 2000’s, right after I graduated high school, in the Philadelphia suburbs. My best friend at the time was living in a converted attic above his dad’s house. We were hanging out and drinking a bit when he told me about an older man named John who had passed away in the house before my

Actually, the restaurant only serves American country ham products.

First, I’m not a skeptic, but I am very skeptical. Our animals with both stop, stare, ears perked at the same spot in our home, and I will jokingly say you guys see a ghost? My wife will claim its her grandmother but were in new construction so who knows. So while I am not a firm believer I have seen a ghost but it

Curious why you didn’t mention the name of the spot. I’m assuming you’re referring to a certain spot in PLG owned by the first black sommelier in America who worked at the French Laundry and helped open Per-Se. That context would have been nice, and might explain how it’s a little bit fancy. I initially thought this

True; it’s really just gossip, isn’t it? I guess you figure it’s just a coincidence you read it in a gossip column. A gossip column called Dirt Bag. A gossip column called Dirt Bag that you clicked on and read. You see where I’m going with this?

My freshman dorm was co-ed — boys and girls divided into parallel halls on each floor, split by a bank of elevators in the middle. On my floor, the elevators were rumored to be haunted by a student who struggled with depression and died in his room about 15 years earlier. The circumstances were unclear but part of the

This is my first time posting because until recently I’ve never had anything that spooky happen, but this event floats back to my brain every so often and I still have no idea what the fuck this was about.

Team Katy. This story has been bogus from the beginning. 

This story belongs to my dad, but I was present for it- albeit in my mom’s belly. My dad worked transporting buses across the country and taking odd jobs for a big part of his twenties, and by the time he married my mom, he’d experienced more strange happenings than the average person. But this story happened in his

When I was 12, every night for close to two months someone would knock on my bedroom window. It was usually after 11 p.m. and before 2 a.m. and, at the beginning, would wake me from a dead sleep to where I thought I was dreaming. A few times I even heard the knocking in my dreams and then woke up and the knocking was

When I was in fourth grade, my mom and I moved a few hours away to live with my grandma. I was an only child and painfully shy; all my friends had been my friends since forever, and I had no idea how to talk to these new kids at school.

Yes, I know this is a fun article, not a dissertation on our cultural understanding of intelligence. I enjoyed reading it.

We did this for our wedding. On a weekday, at a park/lodge, with a cookout. We still dressed bridal (weather appropriate for outside summer), we had cakes (plural), and we walked ourselves down the aisle. Our friends’ band played. We invited only who we wanted and we planned and paid for everything ourselves. We told

One genuine anti-bride thing you can do to save a lot of money is tell all your vendors you're hosting a "family event" instead of a wedding so they can't jack up the costs. A friend of mine did this, and he saved thousands on the venue.