
Zero proof? What are you wanting? Eye witnesses? A blood and semen stained dress? Multiple victims reported their rape at the time to ethics officers within Scientology, and the prosecution was able to obtain those ethics reports. One also went to the police in 2004, and that spooked Masterson enough that he

Other than, ya know, the sexual misconduct, the worst part about this is the shitstorm these women are going to endure at the hands of people who think this deviant is somehow justified in doing this to, “STOP TRAFFICKING!”

Ballard reportedly also sent a woman a photo of himself in his underwear and asked another “how far she was willing to go” to save children.

Several people theorized for a long time that Brand’s move to the right was because he knew that someone was going to come forward. 

I’d definitely bring the lawyer and his wife. Without TV, we’re going to need some entertainment.

I also kind of can’t help but wonder whether her lack of deeper, more nuanced thoughts on all of it isn’t at least in part due to her lack of education. From what I saw in Shiny Happy People, it doesn’t seem like the IBLP “education” she got was actually meaningful, and it wouldn’t be surprising if she just doesn’t

Kunis and Kutcher are only upset because the letter were released. Which they should have known would happen since anything filed with the court can be made public.

That guy has done this A LOT. That “let me play you this song on Spotify... [deletes all contact info and logs of calls to or from his number on your phone] ... darn can’t find it” move was entirely too practiced and well-oiled to be a one off.

Yes, the quote is attributed to the wrong person, but I’m more fascinated to learn that Jack Quaid is her son!

“famous line from Harry to the waitress: “I’ll have what she’s having.””

It’s interesting to see a writer arguing for more sex scenes when the general consensus seems to be that they’re not necessary and created for the male gaze. I mean, sex isn’t strictly necessary in life either, unless you want to procreate, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a great part of life and that we shouldn’t be

Apparently she’s “only” worth 60 million — they really must have mishandled her finances.

There’s no victim to “believe” Sam never accused her of any of this. Only unnamed “sources.” That same logic would follow for the accusations of Sam being controlling. So no we don’t just believe unfounded rumors from 3rd parties.

I still vividly remember her story about her brother. Looking forward to reading her book. 

Hard to know how much of that was stolen by her father.

In the early-ish days of Facebook (2007/8), I was clicking around and saw an update, “Anna* updated their profile photo”… a spread eagle vagina shot, with body and face visible, of my former college dorm RA (we’d since graduated). I was absolutely shocked because porn on FB wasn’t a thing (yet? to my knowledge at the

Who is that invested in Snow White to care this much? She’s the least interesting Disney princess in a very forgettable film that is only notable because it was the first. Seriously when was the last time you watched it? I did a Disney rewatch during the pandemic and other than some nice animation and the super fierce

It’s like throwing a woman into a lake to see if she can swim because you think she might be a witch.

While he might not pay the whole thing, he’ll definitely have to pay a penny.  Judgments owed based on intentional torts are not dischargeable in bankruptcy.  So if he does get a job, his wages will be garnished, if he opens a bank account, those funds will be turned over to D.L., if he ever is owed a tax refund, that