
For the internet it really boiled down to “hot girl who we have no real opinions about either way vs. funny guy we like” I don’t think Brad Pitt elicits the same fandom that Depp did, but Jolie doesn’t either. She could easily get the same treatment if enough bullshit gets astroturfed into enough Tik Tok feeds and

So you think Heard got the treatment she did because she was a “relative nobody” (???) compared to Depp? Or because you think Heard’s current behavior is worse (by the way, the shitting on the bed thing, like a lot of allegations you heard about Heard’s behavior, is almost certainly bullshit). I think this article

Have you never met a military spouse or a law enforcement spouse?

The only bucket bunny I want to know about:

The Voice in the Basement

The Watcher

So I’m a dude, and a couple years back I went on a Tinder date with a woman who had just joined the app. She seemed normal at first, but after talking for an hour or two in person she started to give off that vibe that some isolated homeschooled kids have (not that it’s a bad thing), but basically like they haven’t

Wha? I could have sworn he pulled out a knife and made a b-line for the kid until Dr. Who stepped in front of him.

I admit to occasionally watching serial killer content. I always feel kind of gross after, but I will throw it on if I am bored.

Idk if you’ve ever read about her divorce from Tom Cruise but I highly recommend looking it up, it’s a whole thing.

The fact that two different women divorced Tom Cruise like they were chewing their leg off to get out of bear trap tells me everything I need to know about him.

Yep. Schwyzer apparently has been divorced four times, has two kids, and had sex with a number of his students and sex workers who presented in his classes. I’m sure he’s still able to talk women into bed. As for Pinkham, isn’t he gay?

Did you actually read what I wrote? Again, the point for these folks isn’t to avoid “contaminating” themselves with animal products. It’s to remove their monetary (and moral/discursive) support for a system that kills animals. They do that by buying alternatives and avoiding buying animal products. It’s about dollars,

Right? They are acting like vegans and vegetarians are treating food preparation like Jews and Muslims when it comes to pork. Not saying some aren’t, but it’s definitely not the norm.

I know lots of vegans and vegetarians, and very few particularly care about things like shared fryers and whatnot. That’s because their choice is about removing their dollars from a system that harms animals, not from some sort of quasi-religious aversion to coming into contact with meat.

I do not understand this site’s continued hostility to the idea of plant-based meat in fast-food settings and its continued feigned confusion in asking “who is this for?” Time and time again, commenters have patiently and not-so-patiently explained the possible benefits, who might want to eat said products, etc., and

Another perfect example of the comments section inherently understanding what the author of the post does not.

Yo, why the Brendon Gleeson hate? 

I love these disingenuous comments. “How dare you write about x when you should be writing about y.” They did.

As an NFL fan, I would say that cheerleaders are used as a marketing tool pretty often, so probably would be missed, if not by most fans, by the teams that have them for an easy way to squeeze a few more bucks out of fans for calendars, meet and greets, etc..