Sadly, nothing really has that kind of functionality + user base. Twitter maybe, but that depends heavily on whether your friends also use Twitter.
Sadly, nothing really has that kind of functionality + user base. Twitter maybe, but that depends heavily on whether your friends also use Twitter.
As a person who has tried many drugs and many drug combinations, caffeine + THC is easily my favorite. Stick to a sativa that won’t make you sleepy and it’ll make that caffeine high feel incredible.
You never can tell with these people, but I’m fairly certain the Kimye marriage was always a genuine, intense romance and there’s definitely still a strong attachment even as the relationship seems to be going downhill. The more difficult he becomes the more I believe this to be true — she’d have gotten rid of him…
It’s irritating, but at this point I think we all have to admit that Pete Davidson is more likely than not an incredible lay.
All the Best Picture buzz/subsequent irritation when it failed to secure the prize for Black Panther was an eyeroll, honestly. It’s a much-better-than-usual superhero movie with two good acts and a hideously bloated, boring, predictable finale. Nice of them to throw it a nom at all.
No, but whenever things go wrong I like to remember that following that kind stranger’s roadmap to happiness is still an option.
From a stranger, on my 21st birthday, in St. Thomas:
People like to say, “well, if sex work is legal, then sex workers can report coercion, rape, etc.” Okay, well rape is illegal and it is still 95% underreported, the reported rapes are horribly under-investigated, and most prosecutors won’t prosecute most of the few cases that are reported, are investigated, and are…
I’m glad I came back to this post and scrolled down far enough to see this one! It’s one of my favorites so far.
I heard the same story but it was a genital rash and she went to the sexual health clinic instead of the dermatologist.
Oh my god that’s so creepy. For some reason the red nails detail, especially.
Well yes, but paying a stripper to do her job is significantly less shitty then sneakily filming and outing her. So yeah, every paying customer who isn’t actually committing sexual assault is actually morally superior to this particular group of shitty SWERFs. That might not say a whole lot about the customers, but it…
Popsicles would also be nice.
Sweatshops, agriculture, etc treat all their workers terribly all the time for very low pay. Porn experiences run the gamut from terrible to fantastic depending on what day of the week it is and at least pays a lot more.
TBH that discontinued sexy handmaid costume would have been a great look for a pro-choice rally.
Bathroom of Chelsea Market at around 2 pm on a Saturday. The guy was a very hot gay-for-pay porn star with a thing for public sex and he had a whole strategy worked out. Everything went exactly according to plan. It was embarrassingly enjoyable.
My friend once talked a doctor into prescribing UTI treatment without a test by telling him she’d recently attended an event where she’d worn latex panties all day long, three days in a row. In her case it was true but it’s also a decent lie to file away if you need one.
I went on a few dates with a guy who told me that “food is just fuel” and he didn’t care about how it tasted as long as it was healthy. Things did not work out.