
With Jonas doing all that talk about Senates being better than vanilla humans is clearly BS, as shown with the directly following scene of Wolfgang killing his cousin in a pre-planned scenario, the man brought a RPG he knew what he was going to do.

Daniela's family is clearly in the drug trade and so is Joaquin, these are people that one is unlikely to call the police on in Mexico, let alone Joaquin's potential for violence. (So I fully expect for Joaquin to show up next season looking for revenge, queue Wolfgang violently defending Lito.)

Well we don't know yet if this show is going with just sci-fi or it may dip into sci-fantasy…and now I'm hoping this isn't a prequel to Babylon 5.

Pretty sure it's for financial reasons not that they can't find enough doctors to declare a person mentally incompetent.

It's because Nomi and Lito were actually having sex, Will was working out which give similar reactions from the body and Wolfgang found the naked woman walking by arousing, plus both Kala and Sun were probably asleep at the time, not to mention their actresses potential reservations.

And it's implied that Will had met another sensate, with that little girl, Sarah I think is her name.

I'm assuming that the moment would be based on GMT not the actual date, but for the conceit of a fiction story that specific GMT time manages to fall into the same calendar day. They are shown as being born at different hours of the day.

Remember this is happening their head so maybe they just haven't learn't to project themselves without cloths yet, because there is some implication that both Jonas and Whispers are still able to function in their own body whilst visiting other people.