
Jon Favreau gets geek stuff better than any other filmmaker. It seems almost impossible to believe now, but if he doesn’t nail Iron Man, there might not even be an MCU. Creating the first ever and extremely successful live action Star Wars television series is just an encore for him at this point.

How can we have had rogue one and mandolorian and the main movies were so mediocore. They totally picked the wrong people to lead the movies, JF and co are clearly the people making the real Star Wars.

Sounds like a normal day on Twitter to me...

This is the sort of ingenuity someone comes up with when their battery tie down breaks 100 miles from the nearest paved road and they need a solution that gets them home. This is not “ingenuity” when it comes from the factory this way.

Ingenuity from an assembly line worker is actually a very bad thing.

Please submit your resume. 

I really wonder what’s going on at Delta. They’ve been really aggressive about enforcing mask-wearing on their flights even to the point of permanently banning people from flying on their planes and now this. Tossing Karen off the flight is one thing but an upgrade and a “Black Lives Matter” Delta pin? I’m stunned. If

Hopefully the airlines are sharing the “disruptive passenger” lists with each other.

Should have kicked Karen off the flight.

Get a Fiat 500 Abarth

Yeah that’s “The Outcast” as mentioned in the article (it was 1992 so they were called “genderless”, today I think “non-binary” would be used). Personally I don’t see the ending as too problematic because it was clear that the forced brainwashing was bad, but I would have liked a bigger stink to have been made about

Our neighborhood has a great postal carrier, but these past months, the man just looks... defeated. No amount of cold drinks and praise for doing everything he’s able to do is going to counter dipsticks like DeJoy making lives of postal workers hell.

Adding a backseat makes the car larger and is exactly the opposite of what everyone else is asking for.

Meanwhile, millions of US workers are still without jobs, either due to economic collapse or government fiat.

Claymores are the answer. Can be had cheaply. Gonna need some when the civil war starts on November 4th anyway.

I use my 80cm Schwerer Gustav for driveway interlopers, also have a GAU8 in case they want to try and walk across my grass. No replacement for displacement.

Get this un-American drivel off Jalopnik. We all know AR-15 is the only right answer.

I don’t have a daily commute, that’s my wife’s car.

When I did commute every day, I did it in a 1995 Audi S6, a 1997 Boxster, or a 1976 912E. Never give up your fun on your way to work.

I want to say 4Runner, but the MPG is horrendous and a 40 mile commute can get expensive quick with a car that averages 17 mpg on a good day (I could watch the needle go down in my 02).