
Um, the US is a third world country.

Going ~621,000 miles on the last battery pack is fairly impressive, if you ask me, and shows the evolution of Tesla’s battery pack as they get more long-term data back.

Porsche does not want self-driving features? I find this to be a wise stance. If you want to get driven to work while snuggled in a blanket, nursing a hangover in the back seat, you probably won’t do it in a Porsche.

but unlike faraday future, they already make and sell cars

If I got even a fraction of the dollars people claim journalists are paid off, I wouldn’t need to work so hard. Eat shit.

I feel like this guy stumbled into the wrong web site. Either way, I hope he enjoys the CR-V he ends up getting. 

just hold your horses..

$40k for a 400-mile range EV pickup is not expensive, Erik.

Can we just please be done with mask mandates?

Any system that would classify moons of planets as “planets”, is dumb.

Is there any dashcam footage of this chase? I used to ride dirtbikes all over the small town i lived in, but I stuck to dirt roads, i did not ride on public streets with cars. Running from the Cops on an illegal dirt bike while not licensed is 100% the fault of the kid and his idiot parents for letting him do that.

How is this anyone’s fault but the kid’s? UNDERAGE, FLEEING THE POLICE, riding a dirt bike.

Given that the most disappointed I ever was on Christmas morning as a kid was when Dad had opened up and set up all the electronics and toys ahead of time:

Bs. Show us hundreds, even dozen of videos of regular cars flipping under similar condition and we might reconsider your point. 


Maybe I’m just being a pessimist, but I think the complete opposite is just as likely. Regardless of all the aero improvements that should make the cars pass better, there’s always a good chance that one team has some random thing figured out on the new package that nobody else does, and it gives them a huge edge.

I used to be selected for jury duty every year or two and they’d bring me as far as they could without having to discount me from selection for seven years. Finally, in comments as to why I shouldn’t be selected for jury duty, I wrote that I go by my own code which may or may not coincide with the law written to

Good. Ethan Couch got probation for killing four people while under the influence, because the jury was convinced he was simply too wealthy to understand consequences.

I think he was poking fun of himself a in “Unlike the Dr from last week who actually has money to spend, my Liberal Arts degree means a sub 10k car.”