
Sondheim has said in many interviews that Little Red's, Cinderella's and Jack's songs are all metaphors for losing your virginity. So it's quite disturbing that an actual child is playing that role. It also is a pretty good indicator that Rob Marshall is going to screw this up like he did with Memoirs of a Geisha.

Nightmare inducing!

Did anyone else want to love Jane magazine, hoping it was like a grown up Sassy, but found it really...lacking? I remember having a similar sensation to when I love a book and then see the movie and I find my brain filling in all of the gaps that the movie has left out.

To quote Billy Bragg, "all the self-loathing of a wolf in sheep's clothing."

Thank you. This is precisely my point.

True, but in the article it seems like the gist is 'poor racist Teds, they couldn't rock out to Chuck Berry,' and that the fascists were some sort of anomaly in the Teddy Boy movement. That's simply not true. Teddy Boy culture is in many ways the beginning of the 'England for the English' movement that spawned both

Can you really talk about teddy boy/teddy girl movement without talking about how a core group embraced fascism and instigated race riots against West Indian and South Asian immigrants? It's not just fashion. It's context.

And I will never relax my hair ever again for the exact same reasons. I lost whole Saturdays of my youth to the beauty shop. Never again.