
The “gaining” reports always (with a single exception in the past decade or so) refer to sea ice, not land ice. Though Antarctic sea ice is pretty low right now too. But land ice (the stuff that can contribute to sea level) is solidly in the L column right now.

Hah, no. I study LCIS from air and space, not ground. Though colleagues of mine have collected ground data there. I did get back from Antarctica a month or so ago, but I was across the continent on the Whillans Ice Stream.

GIven that I (and my peers) have needed to correct non-scientists, students, and seasoned researchers alike about sea ice/ice shelf/land ice differences, I err on the side of caution and make sure we’re all on the same page. Not trying to offend you, or question your intelligence, or anything like that—-just lots and

That’s sea ice, which is frozen ocean. Article above is about an ice shelf, which is glacier ice (originally snow) that has flowed off land and is now floating on the ocean. They act differently, respond to different parts of the system, etc. Both are important of course, but just making sure we’re all on the same

You guys are all forgetting about the (still unfinished!) Burrito Bracket. His most important contribution to society.

If they stopwatch’d his entire jump, you probably could independently confirm who is right based on the height of his jump and his hang time (because...gravity)

High Sierra Showerhead ( I don’t usually partake in these things, but I gotta promote some California small business. Sips water (1.5gpm) and just as powerful as any shower I’ve used. Great for those of us with water restrictions and/or morals. Plus TriRig did a great review of it:

High Sierra Showerhead ( I don’t usually partake in these things, but I gotta promote some

I'm more pissed about other companies gloating that they didn't rep LA, when they do just as much bad shit too. Like Hammer Nutrition saying on Twitter, "Lots of results being taken away these days. Hammer Nutrition: Real Athletes, Real Results, for 25 years. That's all we gotta say about that!" Yeah, except your

world records are rarely set in championship style races. no rabbits, everyone is keeping an eye on everyone else. the lack of a rabbit makes rudisha's WR that much more impressive. look forward to a slow, tactical marathon tomorrow.

If you fall asleep on the top bunk before a flip, you wake up on the bottom bunk 90 degrees later. My school has lots of silly toys...

They stopped drilling on Feb 7th last year. The polar plateau is, uh, really cold.

In theory you want a different type of drill (as Priscu talks about) to avoid contamination.

You take continuous samples of your water which is also is tagged with specific isotopes. You use the isotopes to determine the extent of your contamination and you have samples to know exactly with what you are contaminating.

Can't. Illegal per the Antarctica Treaty.

As someone who researches subglacial lakes, I will note that the Russians put out the "we're breaking through this year" press release.... every year. It's Feb 1. They don't have the equipment. Odds are low that they'll finish the last 10 meters. #jussayin

they might both be old, but I think PIG is actually moving faster than most Floridans. ~10-20 feet per day. Seems like an exciting race between the geriatric and PIG...

PIG is named for Pine Island Bay, into which PIG flows. Pine Island Bay, in turn, is named for the USS Pine Island, which, in turn, was named for the Pine Island Sound in Florida. Ergo Pine Island Glacier is named after... Florida? Great.

We do have microphones down there in the form of passive seismometers. I believe they are deploying more on PIG as part of the field season this year. If not, there are some on Thwaites right next door. I also would like to reiterate Ted's point that this is nothing to get entirely worked up over, though it's really

Left my water bottle on a United plane. Asked a gate agent to get it. Pause. Looked at me like I was crazy. "Just go back and get it..." Easy as pie.

"unconstitutionally overbroad"? Is that some sort of weird Freudian slip?