
The ethics are tricky. I live in Atlanta—CFA is *everywhere* here. I also support LGBT rights, and I’m anti-complementarian marriage views. But I still patronize CFA not only because I enjoy the food but because my moral calculus isn’t single issue.

“This is to say he was well acquainted with the culture of the school...” Teaching for 20 years ending in 2017 (you can teach a summer course without interacting much with the campus at all) does *not* mean Hale was acquainted with the current culture of the school.

Wait, who is Tom?  Chigs, Giuseppe, Jurgen, George... Noel, Matt... Paul...  WHO IS TOM?

No love for Nicole Byer? She *slayed* in that purple and represented larger women beautifully. Too often queen-size women dress to try not to take up space.

YES.  I spent much of that episode yelling at the screen.  “Call Pepper!  Call Pepper Potts!  Ask her for money!  She will give you money!  This is ridiculous!”

I eat at Chick-fil-A despite hating their politics, because more goes into my moral calculus than their charitable contributions. Chick-fil-A treats their *workers* better than other chains do, and given how fast food employees are at the bottom of the (ahem) food chain... that’s important to me. I even have gay

I admit, I usually eat fast food... way more than I should.  But legit the last *seven* times I have ordered from disparate restaurants from Panera to Taco Bell to Burger King to more, something I ordered hasn’t been included.  Panera is pretty much the worst, which stinks because their food is excellent if you can

He did note that this was one of his *last* deliveries (presumably ever).

I think Nicky Idika at PopBreeze had the smartest take I’ve read: listen to the lyrics of the song. They’re about global warming—running out of water, bees dying, etc. That’s why it feels like summer. “This is literally a song about climate change and global warming and we’re out here playing spot the celeb.”  https://

I read this to my husband and he said “Oh.  That doesn’t count.”  Then he yelled “The Chick-fil-A in the airport does not count as the closest one to me, Google!  Do you hear me?  It DOES NOT COUNT.”

Let me preface this by saying that I am a white person doing everything in my power (which doesn’t feel like much) to stop the injustices I see around me. I teach in a majority-black university, I call down my white family and friends when I hear something racist, and I am active against the atrocities of the current

Speaking as an American, I think I and my fellow American citizens have forfeited any right to criticize anyone else’s government.

Just because capitalism = bad, it does not follow that socialism = good. Further, late-stage capitalism is, unfortunately, unethical all the way around in that any choice you make is likely to harm someone else, even indirectly.

Reading this made me feel beautifully misleading. I rarely make grammatical mistakes, but I’m among the least detail-oriented people I know.

Historically, the view of Scripture as inerrant was an 18th century invention. St. Augustine, for example, basically said that anyone who took the Genesis creation narrative *literally* was an imbecile.

First, your love for your grandmother is heartwrenching and beautiful. Second, you’ve reminded me how blessed I am to still have my grandmother. This year, I’m going to make time to take her to lunch every week.

About a decade ago, I got in *huge* trouble with my family at Thanksgiving—during my mid-20s. I offered to bring the bread and brought three homemade loaves of bread. Everyone was horrified because they wanted brown-n-serve rolls. Later I got an hour-long lecture from my mother about how Thanksgiving is not the time

Clergy have weirder (and longer) hours than you might imagine, especially those serving mid-size congregations.

When did Chidi start writing for Lifehacker?