grump and bind

Interesting optics! Ingratiating physical contact with one, pretended fear of contagion from the other.

when people are talking that bad about you and ganging up on you, in a really gang-mentality. You go, ‘Alright, we get it. I heard you. You made me feel bad. So now what? Are you happy?

I bet he’s sorry. Sorry that his ratings have been sinking like a stone while both Colbert’s and Kimmel’s have steadily risen for the last two years. Sorry indeed.

I’m sorry if I made anyone mad.


And nothing of value was lost.

I have just written a post about this.

She has proof of their abusive relationship. She hasn’t released it but she is holding on to it in case he sues her.

I’m not saying we’re at the “Build a giant rocket, load all the men into it and shoot it into the sun” stage yet, but I’m going to need all my fellow dudes to seriously stop abusing women because I really do not want to be shot into the sun, and I’m getting more worried by the day.

Some people will do anything for family.

He’s also a bad cousin.

I’m starting to get this feeling that Rudy Giuliani is not a great husband.


There was never a bromance with Macron, or with Trudeau for that matter. Trump is a big fucking spoiled shithead of a toddler. He shouldn’t have been invited to the G7. Just exclude him - he doesn’t want to be there, don’t give him the opportunity to play big boy and pretend that he runs things. He wants to go it

Apparently, in the second handshake, the President limp-wristed it and tried to escape. Macron held on regardless.

Trudeau in the middle looking sharp as hell, Trump off to the side looking schlubby. Button your jacket, man.

You see Hathaway looking unnatural as a blond. I see a specific aesthetic choice to put her in an unnatural Barbie hair color to create tension when she’s onscreen or to allude to something intrinsically mismatched in her character.

Any dude obsessed with virginity is a creep. It is known.

He definitely knew he lied. If he was mistaken, then when she called him out he wouldn’t have tried to misrepresent what he said to her later. If he really thought that he had, then he might have insisted that he was right, or apologized.

HS: Did he realize he lied about it?