grump and bind

I can do one burpee in an hour so I feel like I’m right on this lady’s heels.

This woman cannot help but plagiarize everything she does.

I really, really thought that the headline was a dig at Melania for English being her second language. And I was going to say that was cheap. BUT “BE BEST” REALLY IS THE SLOGAN? I’m done. wtf.

Be Best be stupid. Be Best be making grammatical mistakes. Be Best could have been “Be Your Best” pretty easily, but Be Dumb is what the Trump Administration Be About.

Melania gonna Melania

This is EXTREMELY my shit and I want it right this instant.

A BBC produced political mini-series staring Hugh Grant?!? Sold.

Paddington 3 looks weird.

i thought she got famous from the Blurred Lines video where she danced with no top on?

To be fair Claire Danes killed that technology theme a couple year ago.

I don’t understand the point of Emily Ratajgjooiasdfjwjski. It seems like her entire reason for being famous is that she is sexy. She’s not particularly talented at anything, and while I can intellectually appreciate that her body is amazing and her face is very symmetrical, there’s just something about her that takes

Oh, funny story:

Oh please. For all their complaining, you know damn their heads would explode if they weren’t invited.

So don’t go, sad celebrities. Rihanna’s going to look better than you anyway.

Yep, the entire right wing runs on this philosophy.

Being a “free thinker” in Kanye’s context means, “my ignorance is as valid as your knowledge”. It’s not.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: You cannot satirize President Donald Trump. Those last three words are already more absurd than any joke you’ll think up. He transcends satire. Satire is built around taking the truth and heightening it. Increase the stakes, increase the absurdity. A reality show star has the

It was less a parody and more of a re-enactment.

We’ve already arrived at the jokey part of this administration. “Oh, that Donald, what a scamp, running around with porn ladies!”

The dickweeds who fought tooth-and-nail to keep me from being able to legally marry my partner are the same Bible-thumpers who are now excusing Trump’s NUMEROUS philanderings as, “It