grump and bind

I have a feeling he’s not-so-privately told friends that teachers shouldn’t be armed because “every month those womefolk just go crazy and can’t be relied on not to shoot the kids.”

Alabama Lawmaker Doesn’t Want to Arm Teachers Because Having a Gun Just Isn’t Ladylike, Now Is It Roy Moore Doesn’t Want To Get Shot In Gym Class

Success has a thousand fathers; failure is an orphan

“Of course, the company now claims that Kushner had plausible deniability. He apparently didn’t sign any of the documents, and the company, which Kushner no longer runs since joining the Trump administration, says that it outsourced document preparation to “third parties.””

Life is much easier without ethics or principles.

Ahh yes, the Family Values™ party!

He is a scared animal in a corner and I am worried about what he’ll do next to deflect or defend himself.

People keep making comparisons to Watergate; but compared to what we seem to be looking at here - possible collusion with Russia, a plethora of financial crimes, obstruction of justice, undermining the framework of American law enforcement - a little breaking and entering seems quaint.

omg, yes. I haven’t rewatched that one as an adult, but I think you’re right. The extraordinary (deceitful!) lengths he goes to to be with the kids in violation of the court order (!!!) is pretty alarming, now that I’m thinking about it.

THANK YOU. One of my friends told me that a friend of hers tweeted that being an adult meant identifying more with Sally Field in “Mrs. Doubtfire” and they were right. I rewatched the movie after that and dammit Miranda Hillard gets a raw deal.

Yes, absolutely. There’s the scene where she’s talking to Mrs. Doubtfire (very private thoughts about her marriage) and she says “I didn’t like the person I had to be when I was around him.” or something like that. In other words, she had to be his mother. She had to be the killjoy. And the whole time he’s getting

This article reminds me of a quote I saw somewhere that was something along the lines of “You know you’re finally an adult when you start agreeing with the parents in kid’s movies.” Like Ariel’s dad. “But Daddy, I love him!” Um, no, you’re 16 and literally just met the guy. Sit down, and eat your seaweed (I assume

no nut is worth staining a $5000 couch.

Jerry McGuire was a terrible movie for women and in general. Avery is genuinely focused on her career and not into kids so she’s a bitch. Dorothy, complete with 1950s housewife name, is a secretary and single mom who loves her kid and isn’t ambitious and is non-threatening. She also mothers Jerry too. So of course she

Also, why the hell can’t he just put the beer down and keep making out with her? If they were going to have sex he would have had to put the beer down eventually. How did he even turn that into an argument?

Sally Field in Mrs Doubtfire.

I never felt bad for Lester, he always made me uncomfortable. I felt sorry for the daughter, the girl Lester preys on, and the moody next door neighbor with the asshole dad. I think I mostly ignored the mom because as a teen girl I couldn’t relate to her storyline as much, but I sure as fuck knew how it felt to be

Also? Ben Stiller’s character, Michael, in Reality Bites. He’s supposed to be the lame boyfriend alternative to hot, inconsiderate, wounded musician Ethan Hawke. Stiller gets dumped on because he has a job, wears a suit, tries to be socially adept, and makes a reality TV pilot that focuses on Winona and her friends’


Omg I have always watched that scene where she “kills the mood out of fear that he’ll spill beer on her Italian silk couch” and thought that would be me. He really would have spilled the beer. I just couldn’t let that happen. I’ve thought about that scene a lot and have tried to work against my calling as a neurotic