grump and bind

On the most recent episode of Pod Save America they discussed how the White House feels it *must* defend abusers at all costs (unless the abuser is a Democrat, of course), because to do otherwise leads to the implication that Trump is wrong as well, as he is also an abuser. They’ve backed themselves into a corner,

And rich coming from someone who is quite literally being an opportunist and taking advantage of both the #metoo movement and Dylan’s story to further his own career by writing this extremely hot take.

This article, from 2014, does an excellent job of breaking down the way the coverage of the case has bent over backward to claim inconsistencies in Dylan’s story while completely ignoring all the inconsistencies and flat-out lies in Woody’s:

Why in the fuck does there need to be more than one accuser?!

I’ve seen some commenters here say that the fact that Woody “only” molested one child is somehow enough evidence that he didn’t even do that. I think this is Law and Order: SUV’s fault. Somehow we all now believe we are experts on child molesters and their behavior and we just KNOW that there MUST be more because NO

Yeah, seriously. My boyfriend and I are the same height barefoot and he has very pointedly told me not to wear flats or shorter heels for his sake. Bless him.

Nope. Not what kitten heels are for. It’s not about you at all short guy.

Sooooooo...does noone else find the part where Porter is a TWICE-divorced Mormon to be a pretty big clue that something is seriously wrong with him? My understanding is that Mormons don’t divorce, and to divorce twice before the age of forty....seems like a thing.

I’ve been trolling the right wing sites this afternoon, and what’s mildly amazing (but shouldn’t be) is how the narrative that this is a fake news witch hunt has begun taking hold. People are legit arguing that Porter’s exes are all lying.

John Kelly then: “I remember when women were sacred”

“But it was very sad when we heard about it, and certainly he’s also very sad now.”

Why don’t women report/speak?

I’m enjoying reading this like it’s a circa 2005 LiveJournal blog post about a group of girlfriends going out to hate-watch The Worst Movie Night, Wine Required. So I’m torn between “why would you all do this to yourselves, I hope you got paid a bonus for risking your mental sanity” and “Can I come too, you guys seem


Those fucking haunted vases. They’re the bane of good men everywhere who are unfairly labeled domestic abusers.

“Somehow managed to Holderness in the face?” Well, I guess the only explanation is that the vase was lifted by god or an invisible ghost, the argument was over whether the vase was haunted, but the spirit slipped and dropped the vase directly into her face.

Of course they knew! And they probably didn’t think there was a problem with him hitting / kicking / strangling his wives. As Jill Wine-Banks mentioned on MSNBC on Wednesday night this is systemic in the administration: 45, Puzder, Porter. She mentioned one other name, I think, but I can’t recall it now. (Like

In private, Porter reportedly told acquaintances that Holderness’s black eye—photographs of which were published earlier this week—was the result of an argument over a vase. During the argument, the vase somehow managed to hit Holderness in the face, leaving a black eye.

Justin Timberlake is 37 years old. He was older than pretty much everyone playing in the game (other than Harrison, Brady and Jones) He has been recording for over 20 years and he still acts and sings like a teen heartthrob. His songs and style have changed, but not matured. He looks like he’s old and tired out there

The half time show was almost as bad and awkward as the “honoring” of the vets at the coin toss. I never understood why the NFL feels they are the purveyors of patriotism, if not an actual wing of the military.