grump and bind

There was another hygge-related hot take recently that tried to impress up savage Americans such as myself that hygge can’t be bought in a catalog full of Scandiwegian merchandise and that we’re all being played, but attempting to solve all our problems through purchasing things is the American way and dammit we’re

There’s a German word that some people might be more familiar with: Gemütlichkeit. It seems like the same thing. Someone invites you into their home, all is cozy, you have a few laughs, no one gets outrageously drunk, there’s some sort of cake, there might be a grandmother bustling around, all sehr gemütlich.

As a Dane, hygge is actually an indescribable feeling, not of coziness, but that warm, comforted feeling you have when you are at a really great dinner party or your friends remember your birthday

When Plemons was on Breaking Bad, fans called him Meth Damon.

No Netflix, all chill.

It implies that men only care about women when they are their property.

Americans need to reacquaint themselves with the lifestyle trend of hobo (Ho-bo). Living in cardboard boxes tastefully insulated with old newspaper, draping yourself in fourth-hand fashion stolen out of donation boxes, and sumptuously dining from dented cans of outdated meat and veggies foraged from dumpsters. Our new

I’ve said it before but I especially hate the Father Of A Daughter line. Fuck you. Either you care about this because you’re a decent human being, or you don’t. I don’t have a daughter. I have a son. And I’d argue that as a woman who’s been sexually assaulted, I care more about raising him to properly respect others

As a PR person, all the coaching in the world doesn’t stop some people from running off at the mouth at precisely the wrong time. I have kicked clients under the table, jabbed them with pens and waved my arms frantically behind the interviewer, and often stuff just keeps spewing right out.

What is being left out about the Hugo, is he also cyber stalked Black feminists on social media to steal their work and pass it off as his own. When these women spoke up to these mainstream feminist blogs(Jezebel included) ignored them. One day Hugo got in his feelings and started attacking these Black feminists on

Not that it’s particularly shocking but someone (math teacher I believe) made a rebuttal film to Supersize Me, wherein he lost weight eating McDonalds, by cutting X calories out per week. He also ran all of Spurlock’s reported numbers and found that Spurlock had innacurate calorie counts and was probably eating extra,

I get so uncomfortable about the desire for people to suffer that goes against base tenets of mental health.

Come on, Ara, what those commenters didn’t understand is Jezebel wasn’t like other girls. It was a cool girl who was really more like a boy.

Yeah, typically when you tell someone you don’t want to have sex with them you have a reasonable expectation that sex is off the table until further notice, not that they’ll wait a few minutes and fuck you anyway.

We’re going to be seeing a lot more of this, I think. I’ve already seen a lot of men griping that none of the previous apologies have been up to the standard required to earn the famous man a cookie. I’m guessing that the answer that all even a really good apology is going to earn is a shrug and society still judging

A dude in my friend group at uni told almost the exact same story. The girl didn’t want to have sex, they had sex, she cried, the dude was all wtf? What the hell is wrong with men?

Men know rape is a bad word, but think the action of rape is just fine. They refuse to admit otherwise.

I’m fascinated by the line “She said she didn’t want to have sex, and then we started to have sex.” He doesn’t say “She told me she changed her mind and really wanted to sleep with me,” or that she went to tyr bathroom for condoms , just that they started having sex, and considering she started crying it certainly

I guess the pr firms handling sexual assault allegations are now advising clients to do a pre-emptive “I’m sorry I have to apologize - but it wasn’t that bad from what I remember” BEFORE the accusations come out. Truly a flip of the script and “so brave.”

Hugo Schwyzer. A professor of gender studies and writer, he wrote here on Jezebel several times and on a bunch of other blogs. Wrote a lot about how to be a good man, feminist ideals from a male perspective, things like that. All 5+ years back? Then everyone started to learn a lot more about him, especially his