
Oh don't get me wrong... I love me some snark. But as to your question... I'm not an expert in polity. However, as I understand it, charges could be brought at the Presbytery level - Presbytery being the regional body. They would be brought against the ordained teaching elder preforming the ceremony. There could

You're doing good and faithful work. It is appreciated. Blessings.

So, complicated question given that some people will leave because of this action. But... yeah, PC(USA) is the large majority. About 1.8 million, give or take. The major alternative is PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) at about 350 - 400k. They split when we ordained women. There are a couple of other

You okay? I hear the divestment vote was taxing for all involved. Take care of yourself. Get some sleep.

Great question. Short answer: Yes. If it doesn't pass, we're in the exact same situation as we are now - with a tension between the interpretation of the scope of a minister's power and the formal definition of marriage. This was discussed and the body is comfortable with that tension. Essentially, we're dealing

You don't have to... but we discern in community. The Bible is an immensely complex text, compiled over centuries out of disparate texts coming from different traditions, written in different languages, for different purposes. It is a story of God's ongoing relationship with God's creation, as told by part of that

Just to be clear, two separate motions were approved yesterday. The first allows ministers to marry same sex couples, provided they are deemed ready, starting at the close of this meeting - that is, Sunday. So as of Sunday, Presby ministers have the sanction of the denomination to preform same sex marriage

As a Presbyterian (who fully supports the change), I understand your confusion. However, I assure you that this is entirely consistent with the ongoing hermeneutic and exegetical traditions of mainline Protestant denominations. Many very, very smart people have taken this very, very seriously for a very long time.