as the son of a father and the brother of a brother, i couldnt agree more.
as the son of a father and the brother of a brother, i couldnt agree more.
I think it’s kind of disturbing that we’re talking about the women instead of their male relatives.
You know what happens when you use the term “cuck” as an insult? You look like a pathetic coward, because only someone who’s immersed themselves in the internet alt-right echo chamber and is afraid to go out and interact with real people think that term is the devastating barb you silly chucklefucks believe it to be.
Make America Grope Again.
As an Asian person, I’ve seen that same ugly strain of anti-blackness among my fellow Asians. It disgusts me and I’ve done my best to call it out when I see it.
As a Black woman, it always weirds me out when people say things like this, as I experience, see, read, and hear about people being openly racist to people who look like me every day, and know firsthand how strong anti-Black racism is in many Asian communities. This idea that other POC and some white people have that…
Twenty bucks says this does more damage to Billy Bush than to Trump.
You never show empathy to us in the first place and now you expect us to give a shit. laughable. Besides these dudes still have to prove it was their gender that was discriminated against and not shitty attitudes at having a woman doing their job better.
There’s only going to be one funeral on Sunday and it ain’t going to be hers.
Trump: “Ore... Ida?”
Aide: No, sir. It’s “Ne-VA-da”.
Oh YEAH? I heard that Hillary FORCED Chelsea to suck on her breasts for YEARS.
Look, how else is a man supposed to compliment his daughter when the only compliments he knows how to give any woman are that he finds her attractive enough to have sex with?
1. Fuck you
Maybe that’s the only time he can get his phone back from his aides? Serious question: how much of his constant attacks on Machado are a heavy handed attempt to frighten other women who have also been mistreated by him from going public?
I think he does the “but I won’t have the right Victorian feel if there is diversity”. Which in an imaginary world matters not a bit.
Especially for a movie whose premise is literally “children from around the world who are peculiar are gathered onto an island for their own protection”. I read the book and as far as I remember all the characters were described as white and European, but there’s zero reason that had to be the case.
Attitudes like this are so fucking disconnected from reality. I have never once watched a film or tv show and thought “huh, this was great, except it was a little too diverse.” I cannot for the life of me understand why directors wouldn’t want to cater to (or at least pay lip service to) the 37% of America that…
What the fuck kind of idiot enjoys a book less if he knows that the author is a man or woman? Like, seriously dude? That’s just one of the stupidest things I’ve heard. I can’t even
It triggered my laughter, that’s for sure.