That info was on her iCloud. She was travelling overseas and wanted to make sure she wouldn’t be fucked over if she lost her IDs.
That info was on her iCloud. She was travelling overseas and wanted to make sure she wouldn’t be fucked over if she lost her IDs.
Nor does rebuilding any city in an earthquake zone (ahem - San Francisco), or a hurricane zone (the whole damn east and southern coasts). We do it because it’s the right goddamn thing to do.
New Orleans is dry, the area being flood now is not the same area that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. What’s flooding now is lots of places that sheltered people who fled NOLA after Katrina hit.
That poor woman. What she’s doing in the sport is hard enough, and she’s got every right to feel upset or disappointed or angry that things aren’t going as well as she might have hoped. She is under no obligation to look happy every moment a camera is on her. People are disgusting.
Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.
For the love of god and all that is holy, we need a real plan to get women to be the majority in the legislative and judiciary branches.
Depends, is it hanging in the Ted Bundy Memorial Cafeteria on a campus with a serious unaddressed rape problem? Because that’s what happened here.
This was not a piece of art presented as history. It’s a stained glass window in the dining hall. It shouldn’t have been there in the first place. There is plenty of racist art out there, and if people wanna “appreciate” it or “preserve it for historical purposes,” that’s what museums and other historical sites are…
In this case, it wasn’t in the history building it was in the cafeteria. Similarly, if there was a framed painting of Hitler in the common room, that would be deemed problematic. The issue here isn’t just the existence of the window.
You’re exactly right. I’m Hispanic and I have never thought, well what about brown lives. Because I know that the issues affecting black people inherently are the same issues affecting all people of color. And I know that I’m seen as brown. Period. So calling for an acknowledgment of black lives also requires and…
Another high school mean girl, soon will be whining that people are being mean to her.
And what would be wrong with telling new stories for a new age instead or adopting something inherently broken from a different one?
“...if you want to get rid of every single bit of racist entertainment media from 100 years ago you are pretty much just going to have to burn all of it.”
He was one of the good ones? Even if he had a record as long as my arm he STILL shouldn’t have been shot!
So Louisiana is both an open and concealed carry state, and yet this man is shot solely on the basis that he is carrying a gun?!?! And the NRA keeps telling us that arming ourselves makes us safer?!? Oh, right, black. Sigh.
A lot of commenters are really missing the point that the mothers of Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin*, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, and on and on and on managed not to attack any reporters even when they began flocking to report on their children’s deaths. There is another factor besides grief here, and it’s called whiteness.…
This feeds the incredibly damaging narrative of “Good abortions vs. Bad abortions.” The whole point is that women should be allowed to access health care without having to prove they deserve it. The headlines isn’t click bait but it raises an interesting question : who are you to decide her decision oy to remain…
I was horrified by the title and then immediately realized it was misleading.
fuck off
Doing the brakes on my manual-trans ‘98 Forester S. Fronts go fine, get to the left rear. Wheel off, caliper off, rotor screws off. Go to pull off the rotor - nothing, seized to the hub. Grab trusty rubber mallet, apply a little force, nothing. Hit harder. And harder still. Standing in my building’s parking lot,…